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Acyclovir source during Covid19 shutdown

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Hello, I'm new here. I did look first before posting this question. I thought I posted earlier today but cannot find it.

My regular source for Acyclovir is not able to ship because of the shutdown in international flights.  Any suggestions?



First things first, you can try online pharmacies like Walgreens or Walmart. (I get mine via Walgreens and it’s super cheap for a 3-month supply. And it’s shipped right to you.

Something else to consider: Do you have a lot of outbreaks and/or do you have a partner who doesn’t have herpes who you’re trying to protect from getting it? If your answer happens to be no to both, then you can take a break from taking meds until either of the above situations happen. A lot of folks think you need to take meds for the rest of your life by default but for the majority of folks, after about a year, the body handles suppressing outbreaks naturally and you don’t need meds. The only reason I take daily suppressive acyclovir is to keep my wife safe from getting herpes. 

Here’s an article for more on that:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


Thank you.

The article is good.

I'm taking the meds to protect my partner.  I have had zero outbreaks in 7 years.

I get the meds overseas to maintain confidentiality.  Seems like health information flows too freely.  For example if you apply for life insurance everything goes to them.  At this point I have not even told my GP, nor do I intend to.  I like a source that does not require my name.

Thanks again

On 4/29/2020 at 4:22 PM, first said:

Follow up ...

Walmart or Walgreens require a prescription. I'm trying to avoid that.  My New Zealand source says international flights are disrupted badly because of Covid19.

Looking for about 60 of 400mg Acyclovir to get me through until my order hopefully arrives.  

will replace times 2 if anyone can help on this.



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