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Confused with results

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I tested positive HSV1 many years ago. Got a routine panel and now shows positive hsv 2 in igm and igg <0.2

hsv1 results are positive igm and igg 1.19 (positive)

could the hsv 2 be a recent infection? Or that I was exposed to the virus.  My appointments with the obgyn is next week

thanks for the feedback

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Yes. You should get tested again. Scores between 1.1 and 3.5 have around 50% chance of being wrong. To be sure in a herpes blood test, you should do the test 3 months after last exposure. Or you can get the western blot test offered by the UNiversity of Washington. This is the gold standartd test for herpes, and it's normally used by people that get scores like yours, to be sure. 
IGM is worthless, don't pay attention to that. IGG is the most accurate.  
Yes. It can be a recent infection. If when you get tested again, you get a positive result, you can make the math and know, maybe, who gave it to you.
There is no "I was exposed to the virus". You have it, or you don't have it. There is no cure. Once your IGG confirms a positive result, you have the virus and you can shed and transmit it, even with no symptoms.


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