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Frustrated, confused - anybody else experience this?

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10 months after last sexual contact I started getting extreme vagina itching.   I chalked it up to a yeast infection; however OTC products didn’t help.   I took up running and my vulva started stinging, shooting sensation and just red all over —- again thought yeast or a dermatitis. Prescribed meds (over the phone due to covid) for BV and Yeast (took them at the same time which I have read may affect their ability to work) with no change.  Went in and did full swabs - negative for everything, and reassured I was fine.   Had protected sex with my new boyfriend who is also squeaky clean. Two weeks later came down with flu like symptoms, intense itch, lots of clear discharge, paper cuts on vulva and loss of sensation in my legs.   I freak out and go back to the doctor.  Cuts have now healed.  Another vaginal swab and bloodwork for HSV and all STDs.   Once again I’m negative BUT my white blood cell count and neutrophil count had doubled in the last month.   I’m reassured I’m fine and sent on my way.   I was so stressed and convinced I had HSV (blood test IGG at 4 weeks since new partner)  Month later have sex again and this time my body freaks out even worse —- cuts on my lips, lymph node throbbing, muscle pain, full body muscle twitching,  the itch lands in my nose and feels like a cold sore.  I try going back to my doctor who dismissed me entirely.  She wouldn’t examine me or even hear me out and told me I had lupus ???

i still have FULL body muscle twitching and muscle pain down the back of my legs / hamstrings and glutes that feels deep to the bone.

started getting UTI symptoms - urgency and urethral burning that wakes me in the night but no pain when I urinate.

Does this sound at all like HSV?!? 

I’m hoping a bad yeast/ fungal infection that has somehow hit me systemically and didn’t show up on internal swab (my symptoms are external??) Should I do another HSV test???

Any thoughts or similar experiences would be much appreciated—I’m beyond stressed and worried 


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I am new to all this but it does not sound like HSV. If you got a swab and blood test done, and they came out negative, I would believe that at this point. It sounds complicated but I think you need to find a new doctor. Maybe someone who specializes In what you’re going through. I would just be happy with those negative results though if I was you.

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  • 1 month later...

@Honeybee123 Hi!!

I just read all this, and it doesn't sound like HSV at all. However, it does sound a lot like thrush, which can be caused from a combination of different things, such as sex, friction (running, like you said) different soap products, medications, etc.

Check it out here: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/sexual-and-reproductive/thrush

and here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/thrush-in-men-and-women/

I will pray for you and I hope you are doing better since you posted this!!

You deserve to feel happy and healthy! 🥰


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