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Just found out I have hsv2 yesterday

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I just found out that i have asymptomatic hsv-2 yesterday, and finding the herpes life blog was the thing that made me stop crying. Today was a lonely day and since most support hotlines are closed on weekends i was feeling frantic and very very alone. The points mentioned in the "4 things" article and a couple of ones i added myself are my go to mantra when I feel the fear/doubt/shame/hysteria starting to creep up. I’m super grateful that you’ve found a place of strength that allows you to share with others. Because of you i think I’ll be able to find my own place of strength much sooner. (your post on disclosure was pretty boss as well, thanks for that!)


Shannon, my heart goes out to you. I just private messaged you so we can get on the phone for a few ... I have a little time tonight I can dedicate to you ... really important that you get that you're NOT alone. It's a cruel trick our minds tend to play on us. You'll see soon enough. Thank you for reaching out.


P.S. For everyone else reading this, if you would like to read the article Shannon's referring to, click here.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 7 years later...

It’s going to be okay.

I told a ton of friends when I found out and they lifted me up (very good people, obviously). The more I told the easier it was to wrap my head around. A few of them even had the virus themselves and I was able to share some stats from here to change their lives too.

Things are a bit different now, but I haven’t found it to have really even stopped or much changed my dating life. I’ve had a few partners since the diagnosis 2 years ago and they were fine with it. One had it, one didn’t. Life will calm down for you and you will see that you are the same person you were before this diagnosis. Be good to yourself and know you are worthy of all the best life has to offer you!

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