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So, I was diagnosed with type 2 HSV, and I've only had the one initial outbreak, and that's it. It's been 2 and a half years since my diagnosis, have only had the one outbreak which was the initial one. is it possible I have HSV 1 in my genital region? I heard outbreaks are less often if none when it's type 1 on your genitals, but the swab test said type 2. I'm not sure. I dont know the concept of triggers, I've heard things like stress and chocolate do but ive been super stressed and eat chocolate and I've been fine. But I see so many cases of people getting multiple outbreaks....so is it normal to have one initial outbreak and then the virus remains dormant? I'm so scared of another one coming out of no where it's been so long I'm not sure what to expect since nothings triggered another one. I feel so invalid as a person, even though I literally haven't had anything in 2 and a half years. Any advice or info would be very helpful! Please let me know im not alone!

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First, please know you are never alone. Ever. We are here for you always!! 🌼

Second, it is possible to have either herpes strain and have very little outbreaks. Herpes affects each person differently. Just as some people can have many many outbreaks with HSV-2, some people can have many many outbreaks with genital HSV-1 (although you are right, it typically is less common for someone with GHV2 to have regular outbreaks). 

Regular and intense herpes outbreaks correlate more to those with vaginas. Asymptomatic outbreaks or a less amount of outbreaks in general is more often associated with those with penises. However, herpes is affected by so many more factor than just binary biological gender, such as stress, precious health conditions, diet, age, use of antivirals, and more. 

If you took an IgG blood test that said HSV-2, it is very likely that you indeed have HSV-2. If you took a culture swab, it is also likely that the test was correct in reading you have HSV-2. I am unsure if there are common misreading of identifying herpes. Typically the worry is if a test produces a false negatives, not if the test records a positive for the wrong herpes strain. 

If you are concerned about your type of herpes being concluded incorrectly, you can take another IgG test, and talk to your doctor about it. 

I hope this helps!! 





That did help a bit thanks. I just always hear about people having multiple outbreaks. I'm a female, and I've only had the one, so I wasn't sure if that usually happens. I'm not sure what to expect bc I've only ever had one outbreak. 

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@The big lebowski hey I have hsv2 and have had it for a long time I didn’t have any outbreaks after my first one for 7 years so you probably do have type 2 


unfortunately  I am now dealing with constant attacks but everyone is different 

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I can't even imagine the anxiety you must feel. There are many factors that could trigger it, some more than others depending on the person. 

Have you had any new sex partners? Have you started using any new medication? Could you be pregnant or are you pre/peri-menopausal? 

It could even be an environmental trigger. 

I hope this helps!! ❤️


@Flowerteacher55 I haven't had an outbreak since my first initial one and no new medication or anything. And I still haven't had one. I'm just nervous if it'll just hit me out of no where. Can this virus stay dormant? Because so far nothing has triggered another episode. I'm just nervous it'll come again without any warning since it's been over two years

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Oh, I'm sorry! I misunderstood. I'm happy you haven't gotten one! 

Hypothetically it could, but it's unlikely.

As my great grandmother said: Worrying is like a rocking chair... It's something to do but you don't get anywhere! 

If you do get another outbreak, you can cross that bridge when you come to it. ❤️ Just take care of your body and mind and stay well. 

We are all here for you for any questions and concerns you may have along the way 🌼🍀🌻 




Of course!! 

And yes, antivirals work by stopping the virus from shedding. So, if you take antivirals when you feel prodrome symptoms (tingling, itching, etc) then it can help stop sores before they start. Sometimes, the sore(s) will still appear, but they will heal much quicker than if you weren't taking the antiviral. Or, less sores will appear than if you didn't take the antiviral. Basically, antivirals help stop shedding, reduce outbreak severity, and reduce outbreak length. 

Let's say you didn't take the antivirals until you saw sores. That is ok! It may slightly add a delay to the healing and not be as effective than if you started it before the sores appeared (when you had prodrome symptoms), but it is certainly better than nothing. 

I hope this helps!! 


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@Flowerteacher55 thank you ❤ my fist out break when I was first diagnosed only lasted a couple of days as soon as I started taking the antiviral, and it wasn't as severe as stories that I've heard, I only had one lil sore so you could imagine how devastated I was that it wasn't an ingrown hair like I thought. Is that good news pertaining to any future outbreaks bc my first one wasn't even that long/bad? I'm sorry im asking so many questions. I dont have anyone to talk to about this 

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@The big lebowski I wish I knew! Only difference is I was on the implant birth control and didn’t have periods when I was outbreak free.  They started as triggered by my periods but  that’s not the case now 

Worst thing is I’m on antivirals now and I’ve been getting weekly outbreaks for the last month which has never ever happened before. I’ve had full bloods done for literally everything and all are fine  so I honestly have no idea  



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Hi, @Thebiglobowski

Don't apologize! All questions are welcome, and we are all here to support you! 🙂 

The fact that your first outbreak consisted of only one single sore can be interpreted as a good sign. Typically primary outbreaks are the worst, and all following outbreaks are less severe. So, if that was your first outbreak, I'd say you have a pretty sunny outlook on any possible future outbreaks! Plus, it seems that your herpes responded well to the medication, which is another good sign 🙂. Hooray!

Stay well! ❤️ 




Hi, @Lucia22!

I am so sorry you've been experiencing those outbreaks. Have any doctors offered you any help or solutions to help ease them? Have they offered any hypotheses as to why they are suddenly happening? Maybe it is linked to hormones, since the outbreaks started after your birth control ended. Have you gotten your hormones checked for any imbalances?

Sending blessings of health your way! 🙂❤️ 

- Grace


@The big lebowski to be honest the outbreaks are so mild it’s the  nerve pain that  signals to me it’s an outbreak and then I notice a small bump but it lasts nomore  than 48 hours it doesn’t itch or hurt but I know it’s an outbreak cos it’s tender and the leg pain.  But mentally  it effects me as I feel down about It

coming off birth control seemed to trigger it yes but now it’s out of control like  it never has been before. Nobody can tel like why I’ve had blood tests done for everything and all is normal 

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@Lucia22 Aw that's so terrible!!  Have you tried any natural solutions like Lysine vitamins or accommodating your diet to help soothe the pain and your other symptoms? I have heard people having successes from reducing the amount of arginine in your diet while increasing lysine.

I hope this helps!!

Blessings ❤️ 

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