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So I just went for my regular mid year check up that was just to two days ago I was shocked to find out got hsv2 I already knew I had hsv1. The thing is my previous blood hsv2 always came back negative and that was in April but the numbers for it would always go up and down from past check ups. I haven’t had sexual intercourse with anyone but I did get oral sex and that was in April. I have not had any outbreak in my private area. My doctor is doing over my blood test. I’m just so confused how this happened without any vaginal sex. Need answers please help. 

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I hope you are doing okay. 

Just breathe-- everything is going to be alright! ❤️

Herpes antibodies are interesting, in that there are two main types: IgM and IgG. IgM antibodies are made by the body right after infection of herpes occurs. The amount of IgM antibodies decreases overtime, so they can cause a false negatives to occur. IgG antibodies take a while for the body to accumulate enough of before it is detected by blood tests. Usually it takes people 12+ weeks to build up enough IgG antibodies for a test to come back positive. 

So, if you have had some blood tests over the past few weeks or months, and you've noticed your antibody count going up and down, it could be due to the fluctuations of antibody production as your body gets used to having the new virus. 

When is the last time you had intimate contact with someone? Did you notice any tingling, flue-like symptoms, soreness, etc, down there after the encounter? 

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between those with HSV-1 who get HSV-2 as not showing the symptoms of the HSV-2 when they get it. So, HSV-1 can cause people who have it who later contract HSV-2 to not show symptoms of this new HSV-2. This could be why you did not show any symptoms when you contracted it. 

It will be okay! We are here for you!! 

Sending blessings your way! 🌻

-- Grace



Nope I haven’t experienced anything like I said I didn’t have any vaginal sex never put it in. My penis did touch her vagina but it was never went inside her only oral sex. Plus she was tested in that time frame and she was ok plus she a virgin. I have blood results from September 2017 when the number hit <90 then by February 2018 it was <86 when I go to February 2019 it was <60 then October 2019 it was <59 March 2020 <72 September 2020 <44 April 2021 <84 now it’s August 1.19 and I didn’t have sex with her just oral on April 17th could this be a false positive cause I have experienced a false positive test before it’s really frustrating this always happens to me. 

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Hi! Okay. I understand. Also, I really love how you have all your medical records in order. Way to go!

 Have you had any other sexual partners recently, in the past year? If so, they could have given it to you, and it just took you this long to build up the amount of antibodies needed for a true positive. Also, this perhaps would explain the fluctuating antibodies. However, are these tests for IgM antibodies or IgG antibodies; were they IgG or IgM tests (or a combo of both)? 

The August result of 1.19 indicates a big jump in antibodies. If they are IgM, it seems like you recently aquired herpes. If they are IgG, you got probably got it 12 weeks or more ago. since your body already had HSV1 antibodies, and you are male (males have a higher tendency to be asymptomatic) it would make sense for your levels to be just below the definite positive range, since your body is somewhat used to HSV (although it's a different strain). If you don't have HSV-2, I wonder what else would be causing the fluctuations in your antibody levels. Did you doctor offer any suggestions or hypotheses? 

For right now, just breathe and try to relax the best you can. I'm sure it is so frustrating to get false positives and confusing results. 

We are all here for you!! 🌻



No other sexual partners. My last sexual partner I was with from 2018-2020 no herpes no nothing. This last person no sexual intercourse just oral sex. I wonder if her Vagina was on my penis might have caused this any answers. Like I said My penis was never went inside her vagina was near it but never was inside plz help 

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It'll be okay!! 

Okay, so brief contact like that hypothetically could have caused it. You said she was a virgin, but let's say someone gave her oral sex and had HSV-2, and she got it that way. Or, she could have given oral sex to someone who had HSV-2, and she contracted it orally, and then gave it to you. However, getting and transmitting HSV-2 orally is uncommon. 

Obviously, it isn't a good idea to text or call the girl you had the most recent sexual encounter with and start interrogating her or anything like that. If anything, most people with herpes don't even know they have it, and it's a sensitive topic for most people.

You can reach out and ask her if she's ever had cold sores that tested positive for HSV-2, and explain that you've recently tested positive for it. Also, it is good to reach out to those whom you've recently had sex with so they can get tested for their own safety and health. 

All is well. Hang in there!! 🍀



Like I said she was tested during the month of April. She also said she was only with me this year I’m very upset cause I take my health seriously 



It is possible that she received a false negative if she tested too early before she had detectable antibodies. Regardless it may be a good idea just to let her know you tested positive, so she can get retested for her own health. 

I totally understand taking your health seriously. This isn't your fault. Please know you are still a wonderful human being worthy of love. You aren't dirty or bad. You have a common virus. 

Your life isn't over!! So many people have HSV-2. Trust me!! You can still find love and be happy and healthy!!! 

Stay strong ❤️ Focus on the TRUTH-- you are still the same old you. You are clean and good and well!! 🍀


Also please please do this simple task. It is so important. 

Forgive yourself.

If you are mad at yourself or disappointed, show yourself kindness and compassion. It's hard to do that, but it really is something that you deserve. 

You are going to be okay. ❤️



So odd that she got tested as a virgin....  i mean, smart, but so odd haha.  I definitely did not get tested when i was a virgin, or even consider it.  

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