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Natural herbal remedies for herpes?

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Hey folks, I've been doing quite a bit of research into natural antiviral remedies for treating HSV infection. I've come across a couple of natural remedies that are actually backed up by scientific evidence to have antiviral properties. Some of these include:

-Turkey tail mushrooms 


-Red marine algae


-Olive Leaf extract


Please list any others that you have come across. Let's compile a list of scientifically backed antiviral remedies against HSV.



I love how you are finding scientifically backed solutions! That is essential, as so many fraudulent companies make really useless and even harmful products, and they prey on those desperate to find remedies. It's terrible!! 

So, thank you for providing these names of potential remedies and reliable sources. You are appreciated! 

A note to friends: before you try these or anything, talk to your doctor as they could interact with medicine you may already be taking for other things. Also, you could have an allergy to any of these products. Do your research and be safe! ❤️



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