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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Perspective is everything…

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So it is been quite a few years since I posted on this forum. I would say after the first couple years I got to a place where I had accepted my herpes diagnosis and while I will never say I enjoy having herpes, I take it for what it is. A skin condition. 

My outbreaks have always been very minimal and mild. The first three to four years I maybe had a few outbreaks a year. The last year and a half though, my outbreaks have become much more regular. I have started keeping track of them because it seems like at least every two months like clockwork I am getting the tingly sensation and eventually a sore or two. Sometimes they last only a few days, no longer than 5 to 7.


Having to deal with symptoms more often has definitely caused me to be more emotional about it. I start to spiral into the "why me? Do i really have to deal with this for the rest of my life? I did this to myself I'm so stupid". And those are just regular thoughts, when you take into account the dating and disclosing part of it...woah. Man can i spiral in that area as well.

Having more regular outbreak though, is also reminding me of how much work I've done on myself and in my journey of acceptance. For some reason my outbreaks like to pop up when i have something fun planned haha. For example last year I went away for a long weekend for my birthday and I had one of my worst outbreaks. I am extremely lucky in that my outbreaks never prevent me from doing anything. That weekend I ate drank hiked tanned swam sat for long hours in a car. It didn't prevent me from enjoying myself. This weekend I am going to Palm Springs and today sure thing...I start to feel some tingles. 

While it's annoying and a little frustrating, I keep telling myself I've been looking forward to this weekend for months and nothing is going to stop me from enjoying it, not even an outbreak 

For those of you dealing with severe life altering symptoms, I am so sorry. But I hope to encourage some of you to continue to do the work. If you can, I highly recommend working with Adrial. My sessions with him helped me immensely. And also remind yourself nothing is permanent. Maybe your symptoms are terrible now but go away almost completely a year from now. In my case I went years with almost no outbreaks and am now getting them regularly. Things change but trying to keep it all in perspective can help. 

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I loved reading this ❤️ Thank you for sharing your story and journey with us all! You are truly living proof that growth and happiness can happen, and we can overcome our struggles. It's so great you enjoyed Palm Springs! 🙂 

Adrial is a wonderful human ❤️ It's great you worked with him! 

Stay well and kind to yourself ❤️ 

Sending blessings and happiness your way!!! 🙂 


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