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feel like a paper cut in my butt crack ?

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i noticed my crack has been really itchy in one spot, and looks raw, no blisters or anything. is this another outbreak ? i have HSV1G and have only had 1 outbreak which was my initial one. i don’t remember this being a symptom.. i also recently got waxed for the first time since my OB, and thought it might be irritation or the hair growing back but idk .. i started taking antivirals again just in case it is. 

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I'm sorry you're experiencing this discomfort. That is a very annoying spot to have an itch at!

It could be a cut from pooping. Sometimes our poos can cut our butt holes because they are dry or too big. Cuts on the anus are very common! 

A wax could definitely cause this. When we wax or shave down there, our skin (or in this case butt cheeks) rub against each other, and there's no hair to act as a buffer. After I shave between my bottom cheeks my skin feels chapped or raw, especially if I then wear a thong or I workout and sweat. 

I hope this helps! Monitor symptoms and stay well ☀️

Blessings!! 🌻

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