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Remedies for diminishing herpes outbreaks.

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        In dealing with my first major outbreak, I found these things helpful.

Carmex: it's available over the counter, specifically for chapped skin/lips, it is also effective on infection. Weather related cold-sores. Works like a charm.


Washing and pre-treating seems to be working well.  After bathing, use alcohol, I use witch hazel diffused in grain alcohol, but I imagine isopropyl is the same. Rub in thoroughly. Bring out the sting from the sores.

Allow that to dry and then treat sores with carmex.   I've also found that a layer of petroleum jelly works well as a finish.


All these things create stinging, which diminishes quickly. You just have to "muscle up", beat the pain.  All infections sting when disinfected, that's how you know it's working.

As the sores heal and recede, the stinging does too.


As far as topical antiseptic, I've also found that vinegar/water mix does well too. About a half and half mixture.

This outbreak was bigger and more aggressive, and I have it diminished and healing after only three days.


Hope that helps,, be strong!


  • mr_hopp changed the title to Remedies for diminishing herpes outbreaks.

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