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Natural Remedies to prevent herpes breakouts

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I take Valtrex, but I don’t want to take it daily anymore. I honestly don’t know if it’s truly working for me. My outbreaks last a long time (up to 2 months). I’m looking for natural or alternate ways to lessen outbreaks and speed up the healing process when one does come along. I’m open to any tips that has worked for others. Thanks in advance! 

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I hope you are well ❤️ 

I am so sorry that your outbreaks last so long. Do the sores last that long, or the symptoms (or both?).

It seems like the suppressive medicine is not working for you. You could try taking another antiviral (sometimes trying Acyclovir or Famcyclovir when you are taking Valtrex helps, not all antivirals work as effectively for all people!)

Have you noticed if anything triggers or worsens your outbreaks? 

In general lysine cream is helpful for healing the sores. Heat or ice packs can soothe the nerves. Preventative measures like reducing stress (both physical and emotional) can help as well. If you notice that your outbreaks are linked to hormonal changes, you could look into ways to help regulate hormones. 

I hope this helps! ❤️ 

Praying for you! 🙂 



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@Flowerteacher55 Thank you so much for the response. 

It’s both. I don’t know if it’s because they are on my butt & inner thighs. I have a desk job so I’m sitting down for hours & I’m a thick girl so my thighs rub together. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with why they take so long to heal. 

I haven’t noticed anything that makes them worse. 

I’m going to speak with my doctor about trying a different antiviral. 

How often should I use the Lysine cream? 

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Okay, thanks for the clarification. Yes, it could be that the friction from sitting or chafing could cause the sores to be irritated and reopen which prolongs healing time. You can use Lysine cream as often as you'd like. During my first really bad outbreak I would apply little blobs of the cream to my sores because they hurt so bad and I had to sit in my college classes and walk to and from classes. My sores were so big and crusty and bad they made holes in my underwear and leggings 😂 I actually still have the pairs of underwear! They remind me of how far I've come and how I've made peace with my H ❤️.

Let me know what your doctor says about the other antiviral. Feel better and stay kind to yourself 💛🦋☀️



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I wonder if I put gauze or bandages over them will that help with the rubbing, so they can heal how they should. I’ve just been thinking of everything to help the healing process. I’m so over this outbreak. Lol

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You could try gauze if it helps! The cream I used was actually for oral herpes blisters. It smelled like lemon and was made with lemon balm, I think! I sadly forget the brand but I got it at this little natural health food store near my college. 

Sending happy healing blessings your way! ❤️🙂 

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Natural Remedies to prevent herpes breakouts

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