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Swimming during herpes outbreak?

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So….I’ve had herpes 2 forever (17 years)….and I know the answer but I need reassurance.

Theres no way I can spread genital herpes to my kids in a chlorinated pool, right? I’ve swam with them during outbreaks but today I realized I was started one towards the end of swimming for hours with them and for some reason it is making me anxious. I just need reassurance lol.  And someone to tell me it’s okay to keep going in with them this week….cause my youngest is only 6 and needs someone with her…and we are in the middle of a heat wave. 😩

thanks so much. ❤️❤️

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Rest assured, you and your children are perfectly safe ☺️☀️

HSV likes dry environments and is spread via skin to skin contact. Especially in a chlorinated pool, HSV would likely not spread. Even if an area with an outbreak brushed against your child, the water would likely just wash any viral particles away ☺️.

Have no fear!! Enjoy the sunshine and pool with your children. 

Sending blessings and happiness your way! ☀️🦋💛



  • mr_hopp changed the title to Swimming during herpes outbreak?

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