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Chances of infecting my newborn with herpes?

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I recently gave birth via c section and everything went well. Since childbirth I developed strong fear that me or my husband will somehow infect baby with hsv. I am washing hands constantly (my skin on hands is cracked) but I am afraid that me or my husband will not wash hands well enough after using bathroom and then infect baby while changing diapers for example. 

My husband doesn't seem concerned about transmission and thinks I am overreacting. He found some article where is stated that newborn gets mothers antibodies which protects newborn for the first few months of life. If that is true why are babies infected during childbirth for example? 



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Congratulations on your baby ❤️ Babies are such blessings!! 🙂 

I am so sorry you've been experiencing stress. Please know you are safe and you are not a danger to your baby. Washing your hands after using the bathroom with soap and water, and not kissing your child if you have an oral sore all are protective measures you can take 🙂 

Here is a study reagrding antibody protection: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/mother-lode-protection#:~:text=Researchers have long known that,antibodies to their own offspring.

Also, here is a study discussing the impact of ocular herpes to newborn babies and antibodies in case you were interested:  https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.00678-17

Stay kind to yourself and remember the facts over the fear! 

Blessings to you and your family ❤️ !!



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Congratulations on your new baby! I remember those days well and had similar concerns with my now adult and perfectly healthy daughters. I suggest you talk to your baby’s pediatrician about this to learn more about reasonable precautions. I also suggest you speak to your doctor and find a trusted therapist to move past the fear. Concern is normal and vital to parenting, but fear is a roadblock. Don’t let this stand in the way of fully enjoying your time with your new baby! 
PS: I think you’re a good mother and your strong desire to keep your baby safe is a positive thing! 

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Thank you both for your replies. 🙂

I am so consumed by this fear that I am not able to enjoy these first days with my precoius baby. I didn't have this fear until I became mother. 

I am trying to focus on facts but it's hard. I was reading about neonatal herpes and how it is deadly and after that I become paralyzed with fear. 

@Trueheartit is really comforting to hear yohr daughters are healthy and never contracted this horrible virus. I had really hard time with hsv infection even though I am immunocompetent and this is one of the reasons I am even more afraid for my baby. Thank you for your support! 

@Flowerteacher55 thank you for providing those links. You are always helpful and first to answer. I think I am getting herpes OCD but it is hard to find therapist specializing in OCD here where I live. 

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I am so sorry that you've been so stressed. Rest assured all is well and you and your baby are safe ❤️ 🙂 

There are really great OCD books out there that have helped me a lot. At the bookstore in Barnes and Nobles or even Amazon you can search up workbooks that help you address OCD and work through it all. This is especially great if it's hard to find a therapist or if it's hard to schedule time to talk to someone. The book Talking Back to OCD! by John S. March, MD is a great book! 

I hope this helps! ❤️  Sending prayers of peace and happiness your way! 




  • mr_hopp changed the title to Chances of infecting my newborn with herpes?

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