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Cleaning viral shedding

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Is there a way to clean viral shedding just in case there is any viral exposure, before enganing into sex? That would be cool... like I don't know... using alcohol or some other product to clean the genital area, to be on the safe side... has anyone thought of this?

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Great question! I honestly have no idea. Ethyl alcohol has been shown to deactive the herpesvirsu. Read about it here! https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/viw2.16. Hit Ctrl + F and search the word "herpes" to find specific parts of the article related to HSV. However, this does not mean we should go around rubbing alcohol all over our genitals before we have sex or are intimate! Using harsh products (even alcohol!) can cause irritation and skin issues, especially with sensitive genital tissues. The article is talking about sanitation of SURFACES, not skin! 

I am curious to know if antiviral cream would help as a "pre intimacy" precaution. However, this cream (and most ointments) is for external use only. You CANNOT use the topical Acyclovir internally (orally or vaginally or anally). So, it wouldn't be safe to use before sex. 

If you are really concerned, the best idea would be to take a shower before you are intimate. I hope this helps! 

Blessings to you! 🙂 




Well, soap is supposed to kill enveloped viruses like herpes, so I guess a good shower with lots of soap over everything should do the trick... thanks!

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