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Open cut… need advice!

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I was diagnosed with herpes about 6 weeks ago. After a hosptial stay, and continued nerve pain thats being treated with gabapentin, I just went to the bathroom and noticed a cut near the top of the labia. This happened once before very close to the time of my initial outbreak and the gyno said they werent sure if it was an irritation from the yeast infection cream I was using or a healing lession. Since the area had already healed partially she didnt think a swab would be accurate to determine if it was another outbreak. Im on Valtrex at the moment as directed by my gyno to prevent another outbreak since Im in a lot of pain from the nerve pain and she doesnt want the pain to lead to stress that would cause an outbreak. It seems no matter what I do theres a new problem or cut or issue. Has anyone else had an experiece similar to this? Suggestion? Help? Any guidance or information at all would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. It will get better! ❤️ You are so strong for making it through these past few weeks! ❤️ 

Some people with HSV get paper-like cuts in place of sores. It could also be from a yeast infection or other skin irritations. Is it a deep cut, or a superficial cut?

Praying for you! ❤️ 


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Hi! My doctor said it was more of an irritant from dry skin in the outer folds. She said it wasnt another outbreak which was my fear but this never ending of pain, cuts, and nerve issues is pushing me past my limits. She prescribed a cream to apply but thats also irritating its like a no win situation. I know it “gets better” just so hard to picture that right now. Its been seven weeks since my first initial signs of an outbreak, a misdiagnosis by the er and another doctor before finally being diagnosed. I really didnt think it was possible to still be suffering. I appreciate your kind words and response. I feel so alone and depressed and dont know what else to do anymore.

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I am so sorry for your pain. Do you have a support system or anyone who is helping you get through this tough time?  Also, Did the doctor suggest any specialists who could provide more in-depth treatment? 

❤️ Stay Strong! ❤️ 

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Yes, I work with a therapist who is helping me get through this and have told my mom but I feel it consumes my life right now both physically and mentally right now. Since therapy is once a week that leaves a lot of time that I struggle with my thoughts and pain and my mom doesnt fully understand and I feel like it stresses her. Ive been too afraid to disclose to friends at this point. As of now the doctor hasnt suggested any specialists she just keeps telling me we need to get this under control and make a plan, but Im seeing her either weekly or biweekly. I asked about seeing a neurologist but she doesnt think I need to see one just yet. Every time I feel a little better something else seems to then drag me back down. Im SO grateful for your responses you dont even know. Thanks for your continued kind words and support 💓

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