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i'm confused about my herpes test results

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Confusion about my results

So about a year ago I got what i assumed to be an outbreak of hsv2, so i took a type specific blood test and received 3.35 for hsv1 and 1.68 for hsv2. my doctor prescribed valtrex which i still take on occasion, but i've never had a second outbreak. since then, i've had two other hsv2 blood tests resulting in 1.68 and 1.74. the 1.68 result was accompanied by a negative supplemental test, and when i got the 1.74, i asked for a supplemental test but they didn't give it to me. I'm planning to go to quest to see if they'll give me a supplemental/confirmatory test there. 

in your opinion, should i have just moved on after the negative supplemental test? is it likely i just had a genital infection of hsv1? i was unable to get swabbed because the sores healed very fast and because i haven't had any others. my main concern is whether or not i need to continue disclosing hsv2 (i disclosed to my partners at the time i thought i had it, and kept them updated about the fact it's not conclusive at this point).



Hey there @bingus1000,

First things first, I'm not a doctor, but I can give you some thoughts based on your situation. It sounds like you've been through a bit of a rollercoaster with your test results — it's a common confusion! The numbers you've mentioned are the IgG index values from your blood tests, which can sometimes lead to uncertainty, especially when they're hovering around the equivocal range.

I would highly suggest your supplemental blood test be with the Western Blot since that is the gold standard of herpes blood testing. It costs a couple hundred bucks, but it's worth it for peace of mind. 

The negative supplemental test is a positive sign, but considering your consistent concern and desire for clarity, it's not unreasonable to explore further testing. While it's possible that you had a genital infection of HSV-1, without a swab test during an active outbreak, it's hard to definitively determine the type.

Regarding disclosure, you've already demonstrated a lot of responsibility by keeping your partners informed about the uncertainty of your situation. That's an ethical and considerate approach, which shows that you're taking their health into consideration.

Ultimately, the decision to continue disclosing would depend on your comfort level and how much clarity you want. If a more conclusive test helps you feel more at ease, it might also help in making your disclosure decisions moving forward.

Remember, this situation is complex, and it's okay to seek more information to put your mind at ease. Hang in there, and hopefully, you'll get the answers you're seeking soon.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to i'm confused about my herpes test results

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