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Herpes outbreaks (HSV-2) and persistent rashes

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Hello, I have been diagnosed with hsv2 for about 3 years now (24M) and wondering if someone can help relate/give feedback on my current situation. Basically during my first 2 and a half years of being diagnosed I had about 3 OB's all together which was fine to deal with. Moving onto March this year i started seeing a new girl who i now call my gf (lucky me) and all of a sudden I started getting OB's back to back, probably around 3 a month and it was horrible. Couple with this, I also developed a fungal infection which I was prescribed cream for and I thought went away. After 6 months of the reccuring OB's my GP suggested that I undertake suppressive therapy through valtrex and i havnt had an outbreak since which has been good for my mental health. Anyway, since these frequent outbreaks i notice alot of the time the right side of my foreskin is always developing a rash under the skin (It never develops into a blister). Furthermore, I notice that the skin under the foreskin is often inflamed too. Both these rashes have kept happening, even since taking valtrex daily. They are not itchy and dont bother me at all but just abit confused. I am a very hygienic person and often active. They come and go as they please and not too sure what causes it. Keep in mind these rashes have only been happening for 6 months, before then it was fine. 

I guess my question is that, is this a fungal infection coupled with hsv 2 or just hsv 2? My GP has said its most likely just HSV2 but ever since i had that fungal infection I got frequent recurring OB's so i am paranoid that i might still have the fungal infection which maybe contributing to the frequent outbreaks before hopping on daily suppressive therapy. Hoping I can solve my paranoia out because hoping my hsv2 can go back to how it was 6 months ago when i didnt need suppressive therapy. 

Thanks 🙂


Hey there @MangoMan,

I can definitely understand how this situation might be causing some confusion and concern — sounds frustrating!

It's good to hear that suppressive therapy with Valtrex has helped with reducing your outbreaks and providing some relief for your mental health. The rashes you're experiencing under the foreskin are a bit perplexing, especially since they've persisted even after starting the suppressive therapy.

HSV-2 outbreaks can vary in presentation, and sometimes they might not follow the typical blister pattern. The inflammation and rash you're describing might be associated with your HSV-2. The immune response to the virus can cause various skin reactions.

However, considering the history of a fungal infection and the fact that the rashes started after it, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that there could be some residual effect. Fungal infections can sometimes be stubborn and might require more than one course of treatment to fully clear up.

It's great that you're in communication with your GP about this. If your current treatment plan doesn't seem to be addressing these rashes, it might be worth discussing further investigations or even consulting a specialist. At the very least, get the area swabbed and PCR tested when you're seeing the rash present. That will give you another useful datapoint to work with. 

Here's to hoping for some clarity and relief soon, brother! 👊

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Herpes outbreaks (HSV-2) and persistent rashes

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