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Inhibition Assay Results

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Hey all, I posted a few weeks ago about having fluctuating IgG scores and a single negative supplemental test. I finally got all of my test results back from quest - an IgG of 1.62 (even lower than my first test over a year ago) and a negative supplemental test. I revived a note on the supplemental test saying they had to redo an IgG in order to complete the inhibition assay, but the inhibition assay was not completed because the redo of the first test came out negative.

Im less stressed about this now and i assume I am negative, especially since i haven't had an OB. I still take the occasional valtrex for good measure. 

Is it safe to assume i am negative at this point? Are there any negative side effects to taking valtrex assuming I am negative?



Hey @bingus1000, good to see you again. Did you look into getting a Western Blot like I mentioned in your last post? That's going to be the definitive test for you to get the answers you're seeking. 1.62 is still considered in the low positive range, so it can't be counted out. IgG results can be pretty confusing/frustrating with a lot of gray area for interpretation. And they're rife with false negatives/positives. And about the Valtrex, it's pretty well-tolerated for most folks, so you should be good to take it if it helps ease your mind in this middle ground as you seek out a definitive test result, but ask your doc to make sure. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I did look into it, and the only problem is that I can't afford it right now. Not to mention, if I need to get Terri to sign off on it, i'll have the difficulty of finding time for the appointment + the extra $100 for her consultation. Im also wary of being out of $400 dollars for something i've seen mixed reviews on, albeit not as mixed as normal hsv blood tests. My initial thought was maybe it had to do with the time i was exposed vs the time i got the test, but it's been over a year since that first test now, and even then, i didn't know how long ago the exposure was - none of my partners at the time had it so if it is truly positive, it was from interactions i had up to a year before those partners. Ever since that first "OB" and all of the tests i've done, i have reasonable evidence to think it was a false positive, especially now that im realizing the symptoms i had don't entirely match up with what seems typical for herpes.


That being said, i would still like to get that final confirmation when i can, just to be sure. Is there anything out there that would help financial wise? I couldn't find any information about insurance or sliding scales. This is my only hang up and it's infuriating that not only is this test complicated to get, it's so much more expensive than my other tests.

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