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Possible exposure question

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Hello guys i an new to here. Hope yall are doing great! I have a quick question regarding a possible exposure!!


I visited a table dance on 10/21. I was really drunk and spent all night with a dancer sitting on my lap. We drank and drank. I remember we deep kissed alot and i remember touching her private parts..

It didnt go past that. I have always been terrified of STDS. Thats why it didnt go past that..

The following day anxiety kicked in and started researching about different stds that could be transmitted via kissing and saliva and herpes came up.

i called the lady since we became friends and asked her if she had ever had any stds and she said that she could go test which she did and came back positive for hsv2 igg, but claims she has never have any genital warts or ulcers in mouth. I became terrified even more, everything else came back negative hiv, chlamydia, syphillis etc.


so, my question! If she is hsv2 positive is she able to transmitted through deep mouth kissing? Also if i touched her vagina and then i went peeing and touched my penis with same hand, could a transmittion take place? I am scared.... or should i stop worrying? There was no sex involved, just very deep kissing and touching.


i attached her labs results. (Spanish) 





Hey @Questions

I get where you're coming from – diving into the world of potential health risks can be a rabbit hole. Let's break it down:

  • HSV-2 and kissing: So, HSV-2 is mainly a genital thing, and its transmission through just kissing, especially without any visible symptoms, is really quite rare.
  • Touching and transmission: As for touching her and then touching yourself, HSV-2 generally needs direct skin-to-skin contact to hop aboard. The scenario you painted, while understandable in causing you anxiety, is low risk.
  • Interpreting the test: Positive HSV-2 IgG? It means she's come into contact with the virus before, but it doesn't mean she's actively spreading it. A lot of folks test positive without ever showing a sign. Even though transmitting herpes can happen without any signs or symptoms (asymptomatic viral shedding), in your case there wasn't the kind of sexual friction that can generally lead to transmission.

But hey, if this keeps you up at night, don't hesitate to consult with a medical professional. Sometimes, just hearing it from them directly is the best comfort.

Stay safe and take care!

P.S. Here's another recent forum post from someone with a similar question/context:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks for answering. So from my understanding the test shows she is hsv2 positive, but doesnt specify if its oral or genital. 

Pretending it was Oral HSV2. Can a transmission take place through kissing? Or is it hard? Lets say she was having an oral outbreak and we deep kissed. Is that still very low risk?

some where i read that Oral HSV2 is very hard to transmit through kissing, i know its easier to transmit if she performed oral sex on you.



The vast majority of oral herpes cases (literally 98%) are HSV-1, so chance of oral HSV-2 transmission is super unlikely. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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