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I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with HSV2 and while my outbreaks aren’t bad (I get a couple of very tiny red bumps), I’m pretty sure it’s also showing up on my legs. I’ve notice a tiny bump that looks like a small blister on the top of my right calf and another bump above my right knee that has been there for weeks. Is it possible for hsv2 to show up anywhere on your legs? I know it can appear anywhere in the genital areas including on your but cheeks and upper thighs, but I didn’t think it could appear on the lower legs. I don’t believe I’ve spread it to these areas since they’re hard to reach. Does anyone know if this is possible? 


Hey there @JJlove,

I get how it can be a bit puzzling and even frustrating dealing with HSV-2, especially when you're noticing things like tiny bumps in places you wouldn't normally expect. It's totally normal to have these kinds of questions.

So, about HSV-2 showing up on your legs – typically, this virus likes to stick around the genital area, which includes places like your upper thighs and buttocks. But here's the thing about viruses – they can sometimes surprise us and show up in less usual spots. It's not super common, but it's not impossible either.

It's also worth considering that these little bumps might be something entirely different. Our skin can be a bit of a mystery sometimes, and it's good to keep an open mind about what might be going on.

The best move? Get that spot swabbed in clinic. That will give you definitive data if they get enough of the blister's material on the swab. Have you talked to your doc about this yet?

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks @mr_hopp! I haven’t spoken to my doctor about this yet but I have an appointment in a week and plan to speak to her then. 

Separately, I feel my herpes is always active. I contracted it almost 3 months ago and while my outbreak are very minor with one or two very tiny red bumps that don’t blister, I consistently feel prodrome symptoms of either tingling, itching or mild burning that rarely goes away. It doesn’t seem to go dormant even after taking valtrex for 3 days every so often. Is this normal? I’m trying everything I can to keep it dormant but I feel prodrome symptoms more often than not. 


Hey @JJlove!

About the consistent prodrome symptoms you're experiencing, everyone's experience with herpes can be different. Some people may have more frequent prodrome symptoms, while others may not experience them as often. While Valtrex can help suppress the virus by a large degree, it may not eliminate all prodrome sensations for everyone. You've also had herpes for less than a year, right? Your body is still getting used to having this new roommate, so it'll take some time before it can naturally suppress it better. On average it takes about a year for that to happen for most folks with healthy immune systems. 

The goal is to find a management plan that works best for you, which might involve adjusting your medication regimen or exploring other strategies to minimize prodrome symptoms. Your doctor will be the best resource to discuss these options and tailor a plan to your needs, so I'm glad you have an appointment coming up.

Keep us updated on what you come up with! Stay strong! You got this. 🙂

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks @mr_hopp! Unfortunately, the doctor just said everyone is different and that I can go on suppressive therapy with the antivirals if I want. I’m trying to avoid taking daily antivirals for now as I’d like my body to figure out how to handle the virus on its own first and utilize natural techniques if possible. It just seems like the virus is always active and never dormant since I also have one or two small bumps that appear and the consistent prodrome symptoms which are frustrating. I just would like to figure out a way to keep it dormant for longer periods of time instead of it always being active. 


@JJlove Sure, you can absolutely go the natural route, which can include natural remedies (which also varies dramatically per person), and for the most part it will be your body building up its antibodies over the next year or so. Have you tried lysine? That’s the most popular of the natural treatments, but even though it doesn’t have any scientific backing that it works, plenty of folks swear by it. It never worked for me, but it doesn’t hurt to give it a try!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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@mr_hoppyes I’ve been taking lysine and monolaurin every day. I only contracted the virus as little less than 3 months ago so I know my body is still adjusting but I’m hoping and praying I can get myself to a place where my immune system is strong (I’m working on my gut to help with this) and can suppress the virus. My biggest fear is that it will just continue to be active consistently and never go dormant, but I’m trying to be optimistic. 

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