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Discharge??! So much symptom confusion

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Hi all,

so long story short I had a drunken sexual encounter 6 weeks ago. used condom.

a week or so after started feeling burning in penis. No blisters or lumps just sensation. 

I did std checks at two weeks all negative but symptoms persisted and a bit of redness at urethra. back to doc who prescribed celfaxin-Suspecting uti. 
course taken no change. Now noticing skin on testicles red but no soreness or pain. 

week 3- back to doc, swab of urethra for hsv taken, and of sore in thigh( suspected sweat rash). This doc says doesn’t look like hsv. 

Hydrozole cream for redness prescribed.

results all come back negative for swab.

Week 3 - symptoms persist telegraphy appt with different doc who suspects balanitis and kenacomb cream given. This if anything just burned me anywhere I put it. 
week 4- notice clear thick sticky discharge from urethra. Not constant. Comes and goes. Back to doc. Gives me full physical  exam. No blisters, just penile discomfort still. Doc doesn’t think this is hsv. 


std tests and urethral swab for chlamydia/ gon done. All neg. 

more cephalexin for red scrotum skin. 

week 5

symptoms persist. No change. Anxiety out of control. Struggling to get through a day and exhausted by worry and fear.


week 6. Rash on inner thighs - non blistery

some of the clear sticky discharge but only for 8 hours or so after masturbation( tied that to see if anything different with pain or noticeable smell/ colour change) 


I don’t know what to do anymore. Anyone had discharge as described. Anyone have a rash appear at the 6 week mark? I’m lost as to what to do. 

help an advice appreciated. 




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Hey @Worriedbloke,

First off, it sounds like you're going through a really tough time, and it's totally okay to feel overwhelmed. The uncertainty can be super stressful, but you're definitely not alone in this.

You've been super proactive about getting checked out, which is awesome. It's great that all your tests have come back negative, and it sounds like your doctors are on top of things trying to figure out what's going on. Sometimes our bodies can react in weird ways that don't always fit the textbook description of specific conditions, and it can be frustrating to not have clear answers right away.

About the discharge and rash, it's really hard to say without being a doctor and seeing it firsthand. But it's good that you're observing and noting these changes – that's important information to share with your healthcare provider. Since you've had multiple tests and consultations, it seems like you're doing all the right things medically.

You're taking the right steps, and it's a process to figure this out. Keep communicating with your doctors like you've been doing. You're handling a challenging situation, and that takes a lot of strength. Hang in there, and keep us updated on how you're doing.

Stay strong, buddy. You've got this. 💪

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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