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Vastly fluctuating hsv-1 igG levels

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Hi all, I have not been around in a long time.

I continue to test negative for hsv2 even with the western blot.

However, I have always had hsv1 since I was very young. Until recently my hsv1 tests have always come back with positive, yet lower numbers.

Back in December though, while I had an active oubreak orally ( where I always get outbreaks) of several cold sores because I had been sick with a fever and flu- my igG was very high- 54.


I was tested again yesterday though, and I have no current outbreak- and my hsv1 igG came back at 58. Again extremely high, but this time I don't have an outbreak.

I am worried because I have read low immunity can cause this, and I had some unexpected weight loss a few months ago and I am worried now it is because I am sick in some very serious way. I had a series of blood tests and they all came back fine and I have not lost any weight since. My doctor put it down to stress. Which seems way too easy of an answer, tbh.

This drastic rise cannot be normal.

Does anyone happen to know anything about this kind of fluctuation?

58 seems sky high to me.


Welcome back, @pecan!

Your fluctuating HSV-1 IgG levels, especially with readings as high as 58 without a current outbreak, might understandably be concerning. However, IgG levels can indeed vary and aren't directly tied to the intensity of symptoms or the presence of an outbreak. The high levels indicate a well-established infection more than they do a current outbreak or low immunity. Stress, recent illnesses, or other factors could contribute to your recent weight loss rather than a serious underlying condition, especially if your other blood tests are normal. If the weight loss stabilizes and your health checks out otherwise, it might be worth focusing on stress management and overall health rather than worrying too much about the IgG fluctuation.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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