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Probiotic/prebiotic possible trigger

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So I have GHsv1 and I've only had one outbreak in July of 2022.  It was a pretty rough initial outbreak that lasted about 6 weeks.  I'm currently having my second outbreak which isn't super terrible but still irritating.  Im already taking the Valtrex for the next couple days.  

My question is, I also have gastrointestinal issues so I bought this Olly probiotic/prebiotic gummy and my outbreak happened the next day.   I've read some correlation between herpes outbreaks and probiotics and was curious if that's a common trigger.  

Also, I shaved the day before so that could possibly be a trigger even though it never has been before.  Can something randomly become a trigger even thought it's never been bothersome?

Thank you 😊 


Hey @AlliKat12,

It’s interesting to hear about your experience with the probiotic/prebiotic gummy and the timing of your outbreak. While there's some discussion in the community about various triggers for HSV outbreaks, it's important to remember that everyone's triggers can be quite personal. Gastrointestinal health and its influence on the immune system are complex, and while probiotics are generally beneficial, it's possible that any significant change in your body's balance might prompt an outbreak, especially if your immune system is adjusting to something new.

The shaving aspect is also a well-known potential trigger because of the skin irritation. It's totally possible for something that hasn't been a trigger before to become one, as our bodies and the virus evolve over time. Stress, hormonal changes, or even slight shifts in your immune system's status can alter what affects you.

Taking Valtrex is a good move to manage the outbreak, and keeping an eye on how your body reacts to new supplements or changes in routine is wise. If you continue to suspect the probiotic/prebiotic might be linked, consider discussing it with your doc or trying a period without to see if there’s a difference.

Stay positive, and keep listening to your body! It's all about finding the right balance for you.

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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