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Do your ulcers always show up in the same place?

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Hi there, I signed up here a while ago but totally forgot I had til today when I had this question swirling in my head. Would be great to hear others' experience.

I was diagnosed with HSV1 ages ago and had frequent outbreaks for the first few years, with the symptoms showing up around my anus (v painful to pass stool) and with the worst outbreaks on my vulva too. The outbreaks slowed a while ago now which was a relief. However for the last year I keep getting these v painful bumps and spots under the crease of my left butt cheek. Is it possible this is also herpes and the presentation had just changed for me? 

I went to the sexual health clinic once but the spots had dried out too much to swab, and they seemed to think the spots were likely caused by sweat. 

They keep coming back though. The frequency varies but they pop up at least once every couple of months and I'm not convinced it's not herpes. It is odd though, cos my symptoms were fairly consistent before. Is it possible for the infection to just choose another site to show up years later? For context it has been a particularly stressful couple of years in my life, working through trauma in therapy. 

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Hey there, @Pink Sky, and welcome back!

It's totally possible for herpes outbreaks to shift locations slightly, especially in the same general area where the virus usually pops up. This isn't unusual, as stress and health changes can influence outbreaks, including their location and frequency. Stress and trauma can trigger more frequent or differently located outbreaks. The herpes virus lives in nerve ganglia (like branches of a tree) and travels along nerve pathways to the skin surface. Usually, it follows the same path, but sometimes it may take a different branch, appearing in a new nearby location. This doesn't mean it's spreading across the body but manifesting in different parts of the same nerve region. Definitely stay in contact with your clinic so when/if those ulcers come back under your butt cheek, you can run in to get it swabbed when they are fresh so you'll get a more definitive test. And you're right on it — managing stress and continuing therapy might also help manage the outbreaks since a peaceful physiology creates a healthier immune system. So keep doing what you're doing taking good care of yourself!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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One thing that mimics herpes and is misdiagnosed is menopause causing sores. In the news lately Halley Berry was diagnosed having herpes from her doctor thinking the bumps were herpes until she was tested. They found out it was menopause causing sores that look very similar to herpes. 


Interesting. I'm a little young for menopause, currently mid 30s. But i know some symptoms hit young for some. A friend of mine has been encouraging me to get my hormone balance checked as i have other symptoms like pelvic pain and irregular periods. I've been meaning to explore it but there's been a lot going on body and mind recently. Thank you for the extra prompt. It would be great to find a solution to all these little issues. 

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