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Do outbreak symptoms change over time?

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I was diagnosed recently (as I posted previously), I’m wondering if the symptoms show on an outbreak could change over time?

In some readings over Internet I’ve read that some people get no pain, tingling or itching at all, just small sores.

Have symptoms changed for any of you or the people you know?

Is it possible that each outbreak can be different? Can I have a sore today without pain but in 3 months it can be painful again?

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Hi there @Maximo,

Yes, symptoms of herpes outbreaks can change over time. Some people might not feel pain, tingling, or itching, just small sores.

For others, each outbreak can be different. You might have a sore without pain now, and next time it could be painful again.

It's common for symptoms to vary from one outbreak to another and from one person to another.

Over time, as your immune system gets a better understanding of the virus, your outbreaks (and prodrome symptoms) should follow a more predictable pattern.

I hope that helps!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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