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Can herpes spread in my bubble bath?

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Since being diagnosed a month ago with genital hsv1 I have been terrified to take a bubble bath. I can't like get herpes in my eyes by dipping my head under water to wash my hair out right? I'm not breaking out currently, but have been confused on whether the virus is floating in my bath water (say I am shedding with no symptoms) and if I wash my hair in the same water and get my face wet if I can spread it to my eyes if it's in the water. Or any other body part for that matter. I desperately want to take a bubble bath tonight as it's been a long day. Keep in mind I am in just my first month of building antibodies. Thanks y'all! :) blessings!

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Nope, you're good! Bathe yourself! Enjoy it! Relax in those awesome bubbles. The only way to spread herpes is skin-to-skin contact. And on top of that, the second it hits soap, the virus dies on contact.


Here's a full blog article on how herpes is spread (and isn't):


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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