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Herpes Test Results. Confused... Wishful thinking/denial??

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I'm confused and can't seem to find the accurate information online.

Background: I met my soon to be ex-husband 6 years ago and in the very beginning he slept with another woman. Just a couple weeks later he said he went to a doctor and tested positive for hsv2. (It may have been 2 weeks total... which I thought was too soon to test positive, I always thought he knew he had it before hand but acted like he just found out... but that's neither here nor there;) ) Anywho, I had already had unprotected sex with him (I know, I know, biggest regret of my life...:( ) And several days later thought I broke out in some sort of a rash or something. It was very sore and I assumed it was hsv2. I believed him when he told me it was hsv2 so I just trusted him (fool!!) and went with it. We stayed together so I figured I had it already and so did he so no big deal. We did start using condoms regardless, though.

Fast forward until not too long ago, 6 years later, I ended what was a severely abusive relationship (yay!) and decided to be tested. Well, hsv1 negative, hsv2 very low positive. 1.87 igg. I have been taking once daily valtrex as I have been dating someone new so I'm not sure if that effects it or not. Either way, I've never had another 'symptom' since 6 years ago. Not that I could notice anyway, and I've been paranoid and very aware. I don't recall anything out of the ordinary, but since I've been looking for it I sometimes think maybe that razor burn bump could be something or what have you. But nothing obvious and nothing even REMOTELY close to that first "outbreak" or whatever it was.

I guess it could be wishful thinking, but is it possible it was a false positive??? 1.87 seems very low from what I've read.


Any info/response would be MUCH appreciated.


PS From 'stalking' this website for a long time now, I just love the support and compassion everyone gives. It's so heart warming and it makes me feel like there are people who understand so well what I've gone through and psychologically what it's done to me. You people rock! Thank you!

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nj - First - Welcome! Glad to have you here :)


Yeah - sounds like your ex already had the Herpes and chose to not disclose to you until he had to. From what you say about the relationship, he doesn't seem like a man of integrity.


Question...were you already on the antivirals when you went for the test? If so, then I would think it would keep the igg# down. That test is for the antibodies that your body will produce to fight the virus and when you are on suppressive therapy, the medication is doing that job for you. Also, your antibodies will be higher when you are shedding as that will be when the body goes into overdrive to get the virus back under control. Given that your body seems to have controlled it pretty well, AND you are on antivirals, I would guess that number is about right ...


The most accurate test is the PCR blood test which looks for the viral DNA (as opposed to antibodies). If you want to be 100% sure you will want to find a lab that can run that for you...but I'm guessing from everything you have said that you are HSV2+.....


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Thank you, Dancer! For the 'welcome' as well as the information :) That all makes perfect sense to me and quiets that annoying little voice in the back of my head that pounces on that sliver of denial ;) Just when I was really starting to come out on top of the idea of being hsv2+ I caught a glimmer of hope that maybe it was all just a big mistake. Haha! I'm still in the process of accepting it and learning to be completely, 100% okay with it and I have come a LONG way but I think I still have some work to do on myself. :)

Thank you though, I appreciate your help!!

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