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On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

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Yup. You guessed it. I've been diagnosed with HSV-1 down there instead of on my face. And trust me I would much rather have it on my face. This has been the absolute worst and most painful thing I have ever experienced! I can't believe I was so stupid to let this happen to me. I knew he had a cold sore in his mouth I just didn't know it was contagious like that! It never occurred to me that a cold sore is a type of herpes. You live and learn I guess and with careless mistakes come consequences. This has been going on since Wednesday and I didn't want to go to the doctor but it started getting so painful that I finally broke down and went. I told my boyfriend about what happened and thankfully he is supportive and feels absolutely terrible about it. Fortunately he still loves me and wants to be with me so that's good. He's the only one that knows. I can't bare to tell any friends or family because I feel they'll judge me.


I have a couple of questions though


1. Peeing is absolutely the worst thing ever right now because of the open sores. I have tried putting witch hazel on them to help them heal, I've tried peeing while sitting and water, and just now I tried peeing standing up (ridiculous, I know!) But I'm just in so much pain that I almost just don't want to go to the bathroom at all! Does anyone have any suggestions how I can make this a little more pleasant until my sores heal?


2. Since my boyfriend obviously has it but only has it in his mouth is it possible for him to get it down there if we have unprotected sex even when I don't have any sores present?


Thanks guys! I'm really glad I found this site because this whole situation is a bit scary and overwhelming.

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As a guy, I can't speak from firsthand experience. However, I can share some suggestions I've seen online in my research this week. Like you, I just got the news so Google has been great...and simply horrific.


1. Pee in the shower with lukewarm water running over your who ha. We all do it anyway and now you have a legitimate excuse. Some women have said that really helps. And, as a guy, I don't think peeing while standing is all that ridiculous. I find putting the toilet seat down when I'm done ridiculous, but not the act itself.


2. No, you can still have unprotected mattress mambo sessions with your boyfriend. He's already got it and can't get it in two locations. Oral, penetration, doesn't matter. As long as neither of you have type 2, you're good to go.


3. We're all glad we found this site. And, we're all going through the same things. Sucks, but hey, at least we know we're not alone. Fortunately, you have Type 1 which settles down a lot more than the other which is a nutty bodymate with a questionable attitude.

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