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Some questions about diet and lifestyle with herpes

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Hey everyone. I've seen a lot of different info on what type of bread is best to eat with HSV. I've read to avoid wheat and oat but 100% whole wheat is okay, is this true? What type of bread has the least amount of arginine? Also, I'm a big fan of rice and pasta.. any suggestions for those?


Another thing, I occasionally smoke marijuana... I'm definitely not a pot head but I do it to relax probably 3 nights a week. Will this have any effect on herpes outbreaks? And when it comes to drinking, how much would be considered excess to the point of causing an outbreak? I usually drink 2 nights a week. Thanks!




Diet is a very individual thing and I wouldn't get too carried away with the bread thing unless you eat a lot of it... but if you are going to try to eat healthy as part of your program to control the Herpes, then Whole Wheat is the way to go.


And Pot isn't going to affect you one way or another, except to perhaps help you to let go of the anxiety ;) Drinking is again personal... you may notice a pattern with drinking and OB's ... just pay attention to what you are eating and drinking and you will eventually figure out YOUR triggers


Here are a couple links that may help you :)








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