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Can oral sex with herpes cause tonsillitis?

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I might be over thinking this, not sure. I gave oral to a man a week ago. He then told me a few days later his 'friend' was visiting again so we have stayed away. Question is I have had severe tonsilitis since a few days after our meeting. I haven't had a throat infection like this in 10yrs. Could he have been shedding at the time and passed it on? I have read that it can cause tonsilitis. He is usually really good knowing when his visitor is about to arrive so I doubt he even would have thought it at the time. He was down to one outbreak a year until he met me and the smallest of disagreements and he gets it quite often now. (We haven't had any problems of late). Just not sure if I should go to the doc on Monday and ask for it to be swabbed

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So first - is this the guy who was abusing you and your kids? Or someone new???


I went back to your previous discussions to get your history and you certainly have been through the ringer! I HOPE it's not him... if it is...I have only one thing to say.... RUN!


Regarding the Herpes - you already have HSV1 so it's unlikely it would end up causing more problems... if he has HSV2, while it's "possible", only 1% of all oral cases are HSV2. Now, one thing occurs to me...it's possible he could have HPV and not know it (they don't test men) and that might be the problem.... so I would go to your Dr. and get it swabbed.... because there are a lot of things that could be going on...



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Walk away....DO IT FOR YOUR KIDS. You are teaching them how to be treated by others...you stay with him you are teaching them that they DESERVE to be treated badly, beaten, verbally abused, etc.


He has some kind of rage/anger issue that is only going to get worse and you owe it to your children to keep them safe. Please. Get out. NOW. :(



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