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pretty sure this is my second cold sore! thought it was a pimple ive been kissing my kids etc! help!

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So i got what i thought was a badly placed pimple around christmas time popped it and went to my mothers where she said it looked like a cold sore and i assured her that "i dont get cold sores" as i had a friend i played basketball with who got them a lot and knew what they looked like. Now three days ago i got what i thought was a pimple again except there were three little bumps on my lip instead of one. There was no "tingling or numbness" involved. I thought it was my new chapstick making me break out. Well its been a couple days ive popped it and now and the thing has scabbed over resembling what i can see in google images when i look up cold sores. Ive been up all night worrying bc ive kissed my two kids on the lips, shared straws, my 2 year old puts my chapstick on when we are in the car. And now im remembering when my 2 yr olds father who ive been with for 5 years talking about his ex having genital herpes. Well i was arguing with her at some point where i brought that up. She said my man gave it to her. I wouldnt doubt it he was a professional baseball player and a biker in his life he is 50 i am 24. He has never had a breakout that ive seen in all of the 5 years that ive been with him. He has confessed to getting the clap and crabs before from girls on the road. I asked him if he had it. He said no. I think he would take it to the grave with him if he did and blame me for giving it to him and accuse me of cheating if i do indeed have it... im not an angel it could be possible. Ive had too many partners to count before i started seeing him. Ive had a few between breakups too...ive dealt with HPV and have been cleared of warts and cancerous cells on the cervix. I havent had any weird bumps down there since about two years ago. Except ingrown hairs on the vulva from shaving which i always get worried that itll be a wart again! Mine were never that bad just looked like a lone tiny skin tag you could barely feel with the hands. Just had my last OBGYN appointment mid march where they said everything looks normal and i never heard back from them afterward with bad news? I had my blood tested a week later for every std i thought? I always get checked about every year bc i was a IV drug user in my teens and i know a couple people with hep c. They said "no news is good news after 2 weeks." Went in to get the essure permanent birth control on march 31st and they said nothing about results etc. Figured i was ok. Still havent heard anything. And now this cold sore! Is there a seperate blood test that i have to ask for? I honestly would accept it if i got herpes. I shouldve been more careful. But thats my life. Learning the hard way. Im more worried about my kids contracting it than anything! How long would it take for herpes to show up in small kids?. I have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old. Im not so worried about cold sores on the lip im more worried about them touching themselves (as all boys do) and passing it to their genital area. Is that possible? Ive been reading so much all night im exhausted finally i just want someone to answer my specific questions! Im really a germ freak when it comes to washing our hands and cleaning my house. I feel like if i know more about it i can prevent it from getting to them if it already hasnt. Just the past 3 days its been hot and sunny for the first time and weve been outside all day everyday and i didnt bring enough snacks so we were sharing what i had in my gym bag. Ugh! Any advice or info for me? Anyone dealing with multiple std's? Or any situation like mine?

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First... BREATHE my friend!!! You are waaaayyyy over thinking this!


For a start - 60% of young people have Oral Herpes by the time they are young adults..they get it exactly as you are describing - from kissing someone or sharing a drink with someone who has it - often one of their friends/classmates as well as family members.


I got HSV1 at round 3 years of age and it never spread anywhere else. Now IF they come down with it and you see a sore/blister on their lips, then you can explain to them that at least for the first 6 months, they need to not touch any sores on their lips and then touch themselves in their genitals...just to be safe. But even so, it takes a LOT to autoinnoculate yourself somewhere else. After 4-6 months, the body had enough antibodies to fight it off and they should be fine from that point on.


had my blood tested a week later for every std i thought?


You generally have to ASK for the Herpes test, as well as Chlamydia. Nuts I know, but it is what it is. So it's VERY possible your ex *might* not know because he may think he's been tested an he hasn't. It's also likely you have not been tested...so you may want to call up your Dr and ask for a WRITTEN copy of your results (you should always keep a copy of them anyway... it's useful to show future partners so you have a reason for them to show you theirs before they show you anything else ;) ). You can ask over the phone when you are requesting that if they tested you for H and if not, make an appt to get it right there and then. I suggest you use your OBGYN for any of this as Family Dr's are often clueless about the latest in the STD world :/


Honey - I have HSV1 oral and HSV2 genital (managed to get that at 17 in my first sexual encounter). I have two lovely daughters and neither ever got it from me. You don't have to overthink things - just be really careful about sharing drinks (I just don't share with my grandbaby at all) and if you have an outbreak, kiss the cheek on the side opposite to the side where you have the sore. Otherwise, you don't have to worry about sharing towels, bathtubs, or anything else.


(((HUGS))) ... I hope you are breathing a bit easier now. I promise, Oral H isn't a big deal as far as your kids are concerned. You WILL need to be cautious about oral sex, but that is a whole nuther conversation ;)

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Thanks for the info! :) i feel a bit better. Still sucks haha but ill be fine. Im all over cautious right now just took my shower trying to scrub the plague off my hands bahaha! Will take a little getting used to. and ill probably have to talk to my man about it bc we just did the dirty the other day and oral was involved! Gah! How ill timed! I only see him every couple weeks bc hes in the oil fields all the time just happens to come home when i have a cold sore brewing. Going to be awkward but weve made it through worse :-/ thanks again!

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Odds are if he's got it he will have some signs within a few days - although many do get it and have no symptoms. I suggest you BOTH go get tested for Herpes and then if he's H-, have him checked every year just so you know what precautions you have to take.


BTW, if he has HSV1 oral then it's very unlikely he will get it genitally... in which case, play away! No need to worry about it as he will have the antibodies to fight it off :)



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