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HSV 1 Transmission Rates?

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Hey guys,


So I just found out I have HSV 1 and not 2 on my genitals which I heard is good. I've read that studies done by Valtrex show that if you use suppressive therapy and condoms there is only a 2% chance per year for a male to transmit the virus to a female. Is that for HSV 1 and 2 or just 2? I've heard that HSV 1 is a little more difficult to get on your genitals so I'm kind of hoping it is for future partners. If anyone has any numbers from studies to throw out there that would be great. I've also heard HSV 1 has less outbreaks on your genitals so it'd be cool if someone could verify that for me. This is the only site I really trust, there is some much random information on the internet about this stuff.


I also take Lysine every day as well as other vitamins, eat healthy, and exercise so my immune system is pretty good to fight off future outbreaks. Was kind of nervous at first after years of Lyme disease that my immune system wouldn't be able to handle it but I've been so much healthier since my first outbreak that I'm actually feeling a lot better physically. I guess I gotta thank herpes for that haha.

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Well, HSV1 doesn't shed at the same rate as 2. In fact, when it's down below, it's a lot tamer. It's not more difficult to get on your genitals, it's actually one of the fastest growing infections because it's so easy to get down there, and most people don't realize that it's transmitted via oral sex. So, there you have it.


Lysine helps, as does plenty of rest, and taking care of yourself. You'll still want to tell your partners about your HSV1, but about 80% of the population has it, so it shouldn't ever be much of a concern.

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