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First herpes outbreak, 5th day of Valtrex, healing...but gums are bleeding? what?

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I just had my first OB ever, pretty terrible, my doctor gave me Valtrex to take twice a day just for 5 days. I'm on my fifth day, everything has pretty much healed and I'm feeling back to my normal self again (HALLELUJAH) except for one spot near my tush that really hurts when I have a BM that refuses to heal. Should that part heal before having sex because it seems like it never will. Is it even related to the OB anymore or just an overactive digestive system? Legit, everything else has healed. GAH.


The other part that I'm confused about, is my gums around my two bottom wisdom teeth are tender and sting when I eat food and bleed a bit when I brush my teeth. This started around the 4th or 5th day of my genital OB, just when my flu-like symptoms started to get better... so I'm not sure if it's connected... especially because it doesn't seem to be healing at the same rate as the rest of my body with the Valtrex. Has this happened to anyone else?


I'm also wondering if it's connected because I'm really curious about getting back in the saddle and having sex or at least oral sex with my boyfriend again sooner than later (taking all precautions of course!) Should this wait until the tenderness in my gums have gone away? Help!



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I would have the Dr look at that spot... you may have something else going on like a fissure....


The issue in your mouth won't be Herpes - it's very, VERY rare for H2 to end up in the mouth (less than 1% of all oral herpes) and H1 tends to hang on the edge of the lip and outer skin... so giving oral should be just fine and maybe you guys can have fun with toys for you until you get that last spot checked out. ;)

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