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I am allergic to herpes medications and treatments, now what?

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My "shingles" diagnosis years ago is Herpes2. I was put on Valtrex and then Acyclovir; with both medications I got episodes of tachycardia (high pulse rate) and so am using nothing. I am very sensitive to medications. I tried L-Lysine and got "woozy" even if taking it at night. Now, I am considering a relationship with a person who knows I have Herpes; however, I know from reading on this site that the antiviral decreases outbreaks and shedding. I usually have monthly outbreaks. Has ANYONE ELSE had this problem, and if so, any suggestions? Thank you.

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First - welcome! Glad you found us!


Sorry you have the reactions to the meds. There are a few things you may want to try. Have you tried "stepping up" the meds very gradually? I know with anti-depressants, many have to take a very small dose at first because it makes them nauseous/woozy at first but over time by stepping up the meds very gradually their system will adjust. In which case I'd try it with Acyclovir ... break the tablets into quarters... start with 1/4 once a day - step it up slowly over a month or two. Don't know if it will work but it may be worth a try.


Become very aware of your triggers - diet, stressors, etc sounds like your hormones trigger OB's ... so if you know that you always break out 3 days before your period, just make that a time that you find other ways to play ... Herpes gives us the perfect excuse to get creative in the bedroom :)


And try the FC2 Female condom ... I just ordered some (now I just need someone to try them with! But I wanted to have them in just in case I get lucky!). It covers more area and doesn't "choke off" the guys sensation... or yours for that matter.


One of the biggest things with H is learning about YOUR body and YOUR triggers. It's a really good barometer of your mental and physical health if you learn how to listen to it ;)



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Thank you Dancer and Herry, for your replies. I am post menopausal and a nurse; however, I am not familiar with the FC2 Female condom or where I can purchase such things. Can you help me with that?? Thanks for helping this Newbie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know why they are not available in stores in the US but I, too, have ordered FC2 from Amazon. The only thing I didn't like was that they did not come in a box, just the packets wrapped in bubble wrap. Might try Walgreens,com next time. Haven't tried them yet. I am thinking I might need to practice, uh, "putting it on" before I try it with my partner.

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Hi SusieQ,


As if being post menopausal isn't bad enough, right? I am also your age and was initially very sick from the drugs. Stopped taking them and resumed monthly (sometimes weekly) outbreaks. Switched to acyclovir after seeing a much better doctor and began the dosage slowly. Still got sick but less so. After a couple of weeks of ramping up the dosage all the side effects went away and am now in suppressive therapy and can increase it with an OB if needed with no problem. Now the only problem us the outbreaks are still happening

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as far as putting it IN, I used to use the "cap" or Diaphragm method of birth control that used a similar ring thing, and you will find it's actually pretty easy to do after one or two tries... and with having the whole external thing to hold it in place, it's going to be a LOT easier to get out, I can assure you!!! LOL

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