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I'm HSV2 negative, partner is positive. Questions.

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Hi everyone,


About two months ago I got into a relationship with an awesome guy. Like responsible adults, we went to get STD panels before we had sex. I'm negative for all. His HSV2 came back positive with Igg of >10, which shocked him completely. So shocked, he took it again to make sure. He never had any symptoms. I care about him a lot and don't want to abandon what we have because of this. After getting over the initial shock and fears we both had by researching it to death, we're trying to proceed in a way that will keep me safe. Here are the precautions we're taking:

1. He's on valtrex- 500mg twice a day.

2. We're using a condom every single time.

3. He washes himself with soap right before we have sex, I wash with soap after.


Now it's a few weeks later, and he's been obviously closely paying attention and looking for changes in his penis. A few days ago, a little red bump appeared just under the head where it meets the shaft. I asked if he felt any different before he saw the bump. He said his testicles had been tingly and itchy- but not so bad that he really would have ever thought about it before knowing he had HSV2 and being hypersensitive to any weirdness going on in that area! So that's the background. Here are some questions:


1. We will not have sex during his outbreaks. But after the blister is gone, do we need to wait for a certain amount of time, or as long as it's cleared up, sex with a condom is just as ok as when he hasn't had a recent breakout?


2. Are there any other precautions we can be taking that people have found to be helpful?


3. Are there success stories of people being in long term relationships and the negative partner never catching the HSV? Or is it just inevitable at some point if you are having sexual contact with someone who has it, no matter how many precautions you take?


4. He just started the valtrex about 2 weeks ago. Shouldn't that be suppressing outbreaks? How often in general do people who are on daily valtrex tend to have outbreaks.


Thank you so much in advance.



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Ok, well, it sounds like your boyfriend is experiencing an outbreak. That means you have to lay off the nooky for a week or so. Wait until it's completely healed and you'll be alright.


Any other precautions? Close the curtains, make sure the door is locked so roommates and kitty cats can't disrupt you, turn the phone off so mom's don't bother you. Other than that, sounds like you guys are doing what you can to prevent transmission.


Are there success stories? Oh, plenty. There are some couples who have been together decades without transmitting...and many of them didn't even know a partner was positive. The fact that your boyfriend doesn't have OB's that often (sounds like this is a first) indicates that your risk is pretty low assuming he's had it for a while.


Suppressive, well, suppresses outbreaks, it doesn't stop them. It reduces shedding, but doesn't eliminate it. There is a drug in the works that pretty much does eliminate it, but it's stuck in the FDA rigamarole. How often depends on the person, their health, and how well their body is suppressing the virus.



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Pritelivir (AIC316). It's being held up by the FDA over toxicity concerns (bogus). Not sure when it will be released. It was in phase 2 human trials, but then some jackoff at the FDA said "Hey, let's give doses that are up to 900 times higher to the monkeys and see if it kills them."


This is why I'm not a fan of government and why I believe there's clear proof that something's rotten in Denmark. Anything at 900 times maximum dosage is going to kill whatever takes it. Well, unless you're Roseanne and that substance happens to be a Twinkie.

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Herry pretty much covered it all ... but a few little extras over here:


There is a FC2 female condom you may want to try ... I know guys hate condoms and it may give you an alternative ... AND it covers more of your area too ... you can just google them ... I got mine on ebay and amazon has them too ....


And yes - we had a young lady on here whose parents were H discordant and I think they were married about 25 yrs and the H- has not got it. I also had a client who had her first OB after 32 yrs of marriage and her hubby doesn't have it.... and that was without them using any precautions.


And BTW, use the OB times as an excuse to find other ways to get intimate ... it can actually bring you closer together to have those times where intercourse is not on the cards ;)




(((HUGS))) and good luck ... come back here any time you need info or support :)

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Thank you for the replies. Yes, we were trying to find out if such a high number had any particular meaning- does it mean he has a LOT of antibodies, and maybe they would wipe out the virus quicker once it resurfaced? (Probably not since he has an outbreak now). Some things I read said the higher the number, the longer you've had the virus. That makes sense, as he is pretty sure he got it over 5 years ago. I just can't find any scientific answers as to why the number is so high.


I'll check into the FC2 condom.


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