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pain on the skin of my penis head -- is it herpes 2?

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Had oral sex unprotected.... then intercourse protected.... last week.... two days ago the skin on my penis head became sensitive to the touch - no redness or discolor a..a..nothing looking strange at all... just a section of my head hat when I run my finger over it... it hurts.... now I can't stop thinking about the area and feel I am over focusing.... What are the odds of getting herpes 2 from this activity.?


..I know I have herpes 1 already

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Sounds like you are overfocusing. Sensitive skin on the pepe? That's pretty normal. Could it be from a little vigorous activity? Or, say sleeping on it wrong? Yep. It doesn't sound like herpes.


What are the odds of you getting HSV2 from oral sex? Very, very small. Less than 2% of people have HSV2 orally; and HSV2 oral sheds at a very infrequent rate, so, I think it's safe to say that you are overthinking things.

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