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Looking for Supporting Friends!

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I'm new to this forum, and the main reason I joined was because I want to make friends who can help and support me through this and, of course, I will do the same for them c:

I was diagnosed in January, this year, after getting horrible flu and very sore and itchy lady parts T^T

My partner didn't give this to me, but he has been so supportive to me. We've been together a year (today, actually, yay!), and it upsets me that I have this so early in this relationship and my life (I'm only 18).


I don't know where I got it from, all I know is that I want to get rid of it. I hate living in constant fear that I will have an outbreak and have to pop pills in college or that I will pass it on to my partner. I took last week off because I didn't want people to question me, and having someone in my class who works in a pharmacy doesn't help, at all.


Since finding out I have this, I've noticed my sex drive has dropped a lot. I mean a lot. It's probably because I'm worried about giving it to my boyfriend, it doesn't damage our relationship, but I feel terrible because he still wants to get intimate with me and I can't get in the mood to.


I also suffer a crippling depression and mild schizophrenia, which leads me to have psychotic episodes. I was finally getting better and the episodes were dying down, I hadn't had one since my partner and I got together and suddenly my world came crashing down.


As supporting as my partner is, he doesn't have this, so he doesn't fully understand the emotional and physical burdens it carries with it. Which is why I signed up, I need a friend, or friends, who can help me to not feel so alone in this.


Thank you, for reading. I feel a lot better for typing this all out c:

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First, Welcome. You have found a safe place to land and get support.


The link below is the best place to post to get a "buddy" on here:




As far as your concerns:


I got H at 17 - before we had Valtrex and we knew about asymptomatic shedding. Didn't even know what that "rash" was until after I got married and passed it to my now ex hubby. I've had 2 children, a couple post-divorce H- BF's, and a pretty full life. So while I know you may not be able to believe it right now, you WILL be ok.


You and your BF need to get educated about how to protect him from getting it from you. The meds (Anti-virals) are actually not a big issue ... I'm a massage therapist and I don't like popping pills but the supressive meds are actually pretty safe as they only activate in the presence of the virus. And while it's normal for you to lose your sex drive at first (the emotions will mess with you for awhile) you can and should get your sexy back. AND, when you have a H outbreak, it's a great excuse to find other ways to be intimate ;)


I suggest you get your BF on here as well (we have a section for H- partners) and read and learn as much as you can about H. I'll put a bunch of links below for you to start you off.


(((HUGS))) BREATHE and know you WILL be ok :)








Disclosure e-book:










http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2150/todays-lesson-brought-to-you-by-the-letter-h Herry


How herpes made me a better person

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2646/how-herpes-made-me-a-better-person inka


Herpes facts video



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