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sexual question concernin herpes and oral sex ??? help

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So i have genital herpes and i was wonderin if my bf cld ever perform oral on me again because i dnt want him to get oral herpes... he enjoys doin it and i feel like he can never do it again which is pretty depressin cuz we both enjoyed it... help ?!? Idk the facts on this one (newbie) !!!

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Is it possible? Yes, it is possible. Is it probable? No.


Acquiring HSV2 via oral sex does happen, but it's not common. I'd suggest you follow the same precautions you would for vaginal sex. Make sure you abstain during OB's, stay on your suppressive therapy, and if you are really concerned, consider using dental dams when your boyfriend goes downtown.

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So i googled dental dams and basically its a piece of plastic u out down there and let him do his thing.. gotcha.. im tryin to learn how to work around h .. not let it define wat i can and cant do... i was jus wonderin if i wasnt havin an ob and was on suppresive meds if he decided he wanted to do tht wat is the chance/risk of him gettin "coldsores" or watever do to me havin genital herpes... ?!?

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Simple answer - without antivirals and dental dams, only 1% of ALL Oral Herpes is HSV2.... so the risk is pretty minimal and if you are using anti-virals the risk is nearly nil ... I've never worried about it and only used the meds and none of my BF's ever got it...and one was quite fond of giving oral ;)

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