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The Show goes on Whether You're on Stage or Sitting in the Audience

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It's been a great weekend. I've gotten a lot of work done, started drafting a new 5-year plan, and began to take control of my life back from circumstance, chance, and choice. It feels great, and well, a song came on the radio just a little while ago that I think is fitting for the work I'm doing writing these books and why they're so gosh darned important.


See, I've come to realize that life really is just a play. It's a mix of Shakespeare, Mel Brooks, and Stephen King. There are moments you'll cherish, moments you'll laugh at, and moments that will scare the hell out of you. You never know which scene is up next, and the characters and actors will come and go throughout the performance. Sometimes they enter with an announcement, other times they just show up. Sometimes they leave the stage of our lives with no warning, and other times we've seen their departure scenes in advance. Either way, life's a play and it's so much better to be on stage acting it out than sitting in the audience watching it as a passive member of the crowd.


Herpes is a part of us now, but it's not who we are. It's only a part of who we are. Don't let it keep you sitting in the audience; You're still the leading lady/superstar stud you were before you went to the doctor and "got the word." I've come to look at mine as a badge of honor; it says I've lived life and discovered my humanity. It's like a gold star on my purple heart and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Ok, maybe I'd trade it for Katie Perry's phone number, but that's a whole other discussion.


For now, keep your chin up. Keep smiling. Keep reminding yourself that you are an amazing person with a lot of talents, love, and compassion to share with the world. Then, put on whatever costume you want to wear and face the world without any reservations. Remember, those who choose not to join you up on stage in the play that is your life, well, they're the ones missing one helluva performance.




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