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Any H+ horsebackriders?

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I don't ride now (life took me in another direction) but I used to ride, train, and breed horses. I don't remember H being an issue any worse than anything else (and I was raised in Fla).... it may be a bit rough at first while your body is adjusting to the virus, but over time you should be ok ;)



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I was helping out at a local eventing barn almost daily when I got my first outbreak. I was riding at least two horses per day, sometimes as many as 6. It was cold weather so heat clearly wasn't an issue but I didn't find any issues at all really. Granted it was slightly uncomfortable at times but not enough to make me want to get off. You're going to sit more on you're seat bones anyway so the rubbing won't be as bad as you think. I did have an issue once this summer after trail riding all day I felt almost as if I had saddle sores. I think it's just because the skin there is more tender now I don't think it was an OB. I was actually wearing jeans that day though. I haven't had that issue in breeches. Sorry I've written a novel about it but I def haven't found that it keeps me from riding.

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