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Ahhh my herpes isn't acting like herpes...

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So I was diagnosed with genital hsv1 about 6 months go (on my birthday not to mention). I know the second outbreak is usually less severe than the first and I am by no means complaining, but this is almost nothing compared to my first one. It's just two small barely swollen sores that are barely even open, and don't hurt or itch, I'd have to say more along the Lines of uncomfortable. My glands aren't swollen and I don't feel or look like walking death, just a little tired and headachy. Is it another outbreak or does it sound more like an irritation? (I've been rather physically active this past summer, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's from my underwear). I've been taking lysine regularly and treating it as if it was an outbreak, so maybe I'm just keeping it at a minimum because I caught it in time like is that possible?

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Hello and welcome!


Well, the thing is, Herpes doesn't follow any strict "rules" about how it acts. Some people just get itchy prodromes , others get full on OB with lots of blisters, and some get nothing at all. GHSV1 tends to settle down a lot faster than HSV2 though so it sounds like you ARE having a typical 2nd OB. Your activity may have made for the right circumstances for an OB (stress, warm moist area, a little rubbing, etc). Try to make sure you wash and DRY well after activity and don't wear tight clothing if you can esp for exercise.


I'm in a hurry so that's an abridged answer but it generally covers most of what I'd say... other may chip in too and give you a few more hints



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Thank you so much! I figured that's what it was, and really didn't wanna make an uninsured trip to to the doctors to find out something I already know, haha. Well, that's what I get for slacking on my prevention methods. Since I have to get through this without any valtrex or anything, are there any home remedies that actually work?

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Go Commando as much as possible - getting air to the area can help to dry it out more quickly


If it hurts to pee, either pee in the shower or pour a cup of water over the area as you pee to dilute the urine…..


Reduce stress as much as possible - Herpes feeds off stress!!! It can become a good barometer for you that your body needs attention in some form or other


Look up Trigger Foods/triggers on here in the FAQ and search bar - lots of topics on them ... the main foods are chocolate and nuts but you want to learn about the Lysine/Argenine balance that can help keep Herpes under control


Epsom Salts baths can do wonders for some. Sit in the bath and dump a few handfuls of the salts right between your legs. Relax and let the salts do their thing then get out and dry off, finishing with a blow drier set on low heat to really get the area dry.


These 4 things seem to do the most help for the most people. Aloe Vera CREAM (make sure ALOE is one of the first ingredients and there isn't a bunch of other crap like petroleum and if it has glycerine, it's AFTER the Aloe in the ingredients .. go to a Health food store for your best chance of getting a good product) or Zinc cream may help during the day to keep it from sticking and help relieve the pain ..


Also: Gold Bond Spray powder - right after exercising/hot showers/etc. Supposedly really cools the area ;)


And these discussion covered other ideas and tips







http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1624/herpes-medication-genital-hsv-1-how-to-keep-herpes-outbreaks-clean-dry#Item_22 My discussion amonium Alum)









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