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What words and how do you say "I have ghsv1"

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Easy to say the words on an open forum, for sure. I have confided in close friends, and that was easy too. But I just started seeing someone, and I want him to know, because I think it's the right thing to do. This would be my first talk with a guy, with exception of dates I have had from h dating sites. I have been reading/searching all over the internet for advice, what words to use and not use, etc.. How far into detail do I go?

Overview of my diagnoses: Found out 2 years ago, took medication with the first ob, and the only one I have had. I have not had any ob, or symptoms since (knock on wood), nor do I take any meds.

Thanks for anyone who replies, I guess I know what to say mostly, just looking for some encouragement and any advice on the delivery of "the talk" Thanks in advance!!

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Hello and Welcome!


I've actually come up with a "script", as you will, for just this because people ask this all the time on here. Before you disclose make sure you understand the virus and the stats so you can answer questions (or you know where to send the person for answers) so you can talk with confidence and clarity


"You know the cold sores people get on their lip? I get them down there. So if you've had a cold sore, you may have the antibodies and it would be difficult for you to get it from me. If you are not sure, then we need to be careful ... HSV1 doesn't shed much but I can take suppressive meds and/or we can use condoms until you get tested. 80% of people have HSV1 so you may have it and not know" …so it would be best if you get tested first so you know for sure. Here's a handout that has some statistics if you are interested...

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