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a small victory

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I know ive made a bunch of posts for a newbie. just finished my first week post diagnosis. Last night I went to see an old friend and I disclosed to Him about my H. He kinda looked at me and laughed saying " you know what? we all have or stuff to deal with. this isn't that big a deal, more people than you know have it. as a matter of fact I know that several people you know have been dealing with it for years. ( he didn't say who and I didn't ask, its theirs to hold confidential). we spoke for nearly 3 hours about a lot of stuff but he worked it back into the conversation several times, mainly as a " you see everyone goes thru stuff" finally ending with telling me ' ive known you for 25 years, your strong enough to not let this get to you, whatever you need, let me know, me and my whole family will be here for you" it felt good to get it out there to someone. the pit in my stomach isn't quite as deep today, my hands aren't trembling and I feel a lot better this morning. Its good to disclose to a friend and when that friend is someone who has battled cancer 2xhas a bad heart because of it and when you met him he used a cane but now, after all that is in better shape than almost everyone around him, it kicks you in the head perspective wise. This isn't the end of the world and I understand that a bit more this morning.

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That's AWESOME - so glad you talked to him. And yes - he has battled something FAR worse than H so he has a better perspective on life ;)


*Most* people who talk to a friend find that


1) Their friend doesn't care and won't judge them. If they do, they are not a friend and


2) many already know at least one other person with H


You are only as sick as your secrets ;)


http://herpeslife.com/closets-are-hangers/#more-2265 Carlos

http://www.upworthy.com/a-4-year-old-girl-asked-a-lesbian-if-shes-a-boy-she-responded-the-awesomest-way-possible Ash Beckhams Closet Ted Talk


Kirsty Spraggon Ted Talk “You are only as Sick as Your Secrets


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