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Why can't I get a positive swab result??

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Based on my symptoms, I know I have it vaginally and orally and confirmed by blood test HSV1 (2 negatives then positive).


Don't get sores, is it harder to get a positive swab because of lack of vaginal sores and just scrapping the skin? I know I am going at the right time. For one sore that was there initially that never hurt, just tingled before it came, it swabbed negative. Everything is swabbing negative and I go within 24 to 48 hours of the pro dome and I have the swab the area....could this mean that my viral load is low? I am just perplexed adn I would like to get a positive swab so I know when I am having an outbreak.

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The reason is that the blisters/sores are shedding on steroids - so there's a lot more virus to start with ... AND the blisters contain the shedding virus so there's even more of the virus present.. a really small sore may not be big enough to have enough virus to be picked up either...


Which is why you also don't want to have an OB with a sore present - there's a LOT more virus present ... so yes - odds are your viral load is low and you are not shedding heavily ...



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I had three different swabs done way back in the 80's and they all came back negative. A doctor finally told me after the third swab that 30% of herpes cases will not test positive. I was in the military at the time and they would not do a blood test. I am finally going to have one done at my next doctor appointment in October.

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But the prodrome is only the sensations ... the reaction of the body to the virus in the nerves ... when ENOUGH virus is present (ie, shedding on steroids) then you get an OB ... for the test to work they have to find the proteins from the virus so there has to be enough present for them to find them in amongst all the other cells, bacteria, and whatnot present....if your body is doing a good job of battling the virus then you may not get OB's or enough shedding to catch enough of the virus for them to be able to find it

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Are you completely sure that what you are feeling all the time is prodrome? Just asking because I know with me ( I'm a total hypochondriac overly in tuned to bodily sensations especially down below) that if I am concentrating on that area of my body, I will just start feeling things. I don't mean to question what you are feeling...You of course understand your body better than anyone...but just wanted to kind of offer some food for thought that maybe sometimes the prodrome sensations might not actually be from H.


Also not sure if this is true, but I think I was told once by my doctor that if you are on the anti virals, that the virus might not be easily detected even if a sore is present because the meds are weakening the virus on the skin or something like that.


Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!

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I don't know what's what...I feel itching, numbness but all very minor....nothing too severe. I dont think it's in my head, I'm pretty good at reading my body and no worries, I know the feeling of being worried about something....I know your heart is in the right place and I appreciate it.


Yes, most of my swabs were done without antivirals, only 1 was done on antivirals, but I agree with your point.


I just wish I knew when I had enough viral load to pass this on to others. Thank you H is for hope.....I really like your name.



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I had thought it's really rare to have hsv1 in both places :(


I hope u find out something more definite soon. I also read that hsv1 gential has much less outbreak and the shedding of the virus is much much less than hsv2.


I am getting my WB on Monday to pray that my hsv2 is negative but I am sure my hsv1 is positive but how does one know where hsv1 is .... Can be oral and can be gential.....I wish there are rules to this herpes game that we are forced to play!


Thx for sharing and u r an inspiration :).

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Yes it is rare, but I got them both at the same time, so I had no immunity in one area to build up in the other area.....lucky me!!!!


I would say, yes that's the rule for hsv1 but everyone is different so I am finding and I don't like going by what most people have and don't have b/c it's too limiting and then it makes me feel like a freak.


I wish you luck with your test.


Blood tests do not tell you where you have it, just that you do and so swabs are best, but I go by my symptoms as they are typical herpes symptoms without the sores YAY again.


Good luck

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