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Not sure if this a herpes prodrome symptom?

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OK, so I was hoping I could get rid of this with baking soda mixed with water, but it hasn't gone away for about a week now.


I feel fine in the morning, but after I drink several glasses of water, I feel like I have to pee a little but don't. Then after I do pee, more slowly comes out if I sit down or walk (seems random). It's not a lot, but just a little here and there. I would suspect prostate issues, but I'm only 28. It could be a UTI, but I would have thought the baking soda would have helped more. Can this be a sign of HSV2? Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Dancer. I wanted to give an update on this. The urgency is now gone, and I thought I was better. However, a day later I noticed my urethra hurts when compressed near the base. I stopped all extra-curricular activities in that area this week.


I finally went to the doctor yesterday. The urine test came back negative for a UTI. I did some further reading online, and they talk about other forms of Urethritis that can be caused by various STDs including HSV:




The doctor ordered a full run of STD tests. He said it could be Chlamydia even though I haven't been with another partner since April (I tested negative for everything but HSV2 back in April). He also said that if my results are negative for HIV now, there is no need to get tested for it again. I thought one had to wait 6 months to be sure, but he didn't agree with that. What do you think?


I'll probably get the results early next week. I pray I'll have a lot of good news after that.

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Hiv tests vary in latency. my local clinic has 2, a test that takes time to get results, about a week. its part of a panel. its lat is 2 months. they also have a rapid test, 15 minutes of anxiety and its lat is 3 months. I am currently awaiting my 3 months even tho I could go earlier from last contact but I want to be absolutely sure. just did the math on yours 5 months should be more than enough unless they are using a testing method from 1995.


on urine pain, sorry to throw this out there but maybe a kidney stone? ive had several and 1 of the symptoms is the need to frequently urinate but only a few drops come out ( because there is a rock in the way, yay ). ive felt as though I was going to pee myself and 3 drops come out. it can be random, stones only hurt when moving and walking helps them move. a double edged sword in that you need to move it to get it out and moving it freakin hurts. ive actually ( warning mental image you wont forget) sat on the toilet with a gallon of water and a book because I got tired running to the bathroom every 15 minutes. there is usually back pain ( which herpes can give too another yay) and the feeling like you have been tapped in the testicles. you know that nut hit that radiates up into your kidney? its like that but constant. I used to warn my coworkers when I was in an early stone phase and could manage to work, that I was going to be one grumpy SOB from the pain.


currently trying to figure out if I have a prodome or stone. been a while so I doubt its chlamydia as its incubation is less than 2 weeks I think.


UTIs can be helped from cranberry juice also.

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@seeker, thank you for the response. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I just got a negative test result on a full STD panel including IgG HSV2! So I have a few questions that I wasn't sure to trust the nurse on. See my new post here: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/4339/lab-results-all-negative-now-what


The urethra pain seems to be improving and is basically gone at this point. I'm not sure about the kidney stones. I guess it is possible, but the other symptoms didn't match up and the doc didn't mention it. I'll add another update if it changes.

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I saw the post. sounds like you may not have hsv2.

I ended up having a stone recently and after it passed, and trust me I know something came out and it was not fun to say the least, I had some odd sensation inside my tubing, something I had never noticed before but there were differences in this passing.

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The other thing is maybe I had just been overly aggressive with extra curricular activities in that area, and it just needed a break. There's been an awful lot of stress in my life too the past 4 months and really a lot the last 2 years if I'm honest. At the very least, this experience has taught me a lot and changed my perspective on the world. I tried to be grateful for things before, but now I feel like I really am grateful for my blessings; I don't have to try. Whether I have HSV2 or not, I am truly fortunate.

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