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Ridiculous update - what now?

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whitedaisies, stop beating yourself up! you have spoken with me and you sound like a wonderful woman. go with what the tests show to be true now, talk with your partner openly and if he don't come around come to florida and hang out with me ;)

forget what your parental units are saying, they are coming from a place of fear and shame that is part of their generational baggage. wanna funny fact to tell them? seniors are the fasting growing segment to contract STIs. yep all that making the beast with 2 backs in the retirement villages ( because you know erection pills are where we should be spending our medical research money). so stop it, you have grown to be one of my fav people on here and I don't want you beating yourself up, it actually took considerable courage to tell your family, heck im 49 and am a bit of the black sheep anyway and still haven't told my mom, my step dad maybe as he has shingles bad ( and its related).


OH, I just thought of something, go to a comedy club this weekend, hear some jokes have a drink or 2 ( or coffee or whatever) and FORGET ABOUT THE H FOR A LITTLE WHILE!!!

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Guess me and this older guy won't work out then He's at least 15 years my senior. No condoms and my constant symptoms don't seem to be a good fit. I would totally feel comfortable disclosing my hideous story though; he's a good guy.


We've decided to cool things off for a while anyway....we were getting too close too quickly. See what next week brings!





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older guy who has no problem with condoms, save the fact that they didn't seem to keep me from getting H2. as far as the little blue pill goes, ( probably TMI) I cant understand the need. I still react like a teenager most of the time. " sorry teach, but I cant come to the blackboard at the moment" I laugh at those radio commercials " are you a man over 35? ( yes 35 is in the rear view mirror and its giving me the finger) maybe you should try Cialis, Viagra etc ( or the low T ones { not saying it isn't real}) maybe because im blue collar and work in a masculine field ( construction) and there are always pissing contests it has helped keep those demons at bay.


whitedaisies, good for you. its good that your comfortable enough to disclose and smart enough to let it ride for a bit ( ok bad choice of words). actually I had your situation pop into my noggin on my way home today, you have a + H1 blood test but no swab test to correlate that you may have it in the pleasure zone if I understand it. well I went to planned parenthood and their doc gave me the meds w/o concern of the where just the blood test. maybe if you tried your local PP they may be more open to helping??? my doc said she didn't like blood tests as they don't say where on them just that you have it, but with H2 and the only sores being down there its an obvious thing in my case. ( sorry for the run on sentence). take care of yourself young lady, Ive grown fond of you on here.

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There's a lot of reasons why some guys have problems. . I dated a 45 yr old who had circulation issues. .. he LOVED his little blue pills ... tho they have him a horrid headache after :(


@seeker. . @white daisies is in Canada. . The Drs there don't like to give the meds out w/o a definite diagnosis :(

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I am a canuck, eh? I also really like bacon and the coloUr purple. LOL


Yeah, I am having a hard time with the docs...it's ridiculous....I know this is H, but if they want to try to disprove me....go right ahead....I would rather not have it thank you but honestly, I can't believe I am saying this out loud but I haven't been more myself now that I have H or think I have H than I have my whole life! And even though this has been hell, I think I will be happier now. Realized a lot of things about myself that I always stifled...because it wasn't what I was taught or brought up but I am realizing I can have differing opinions from my parents and my thoughts and desires might not be conventional, it does not mean they are wrong or malicious. So next step is figuring out how I satisfy myself post 42 as pre 42 has been satisfying everyone else.


Going to see doc though on the week-end to try to convince him to give me meds for the h opp weekend as I don't want to be in pain while I am there.....


Thanks seeker....guess we are cyber flirting now.....LOL.... ;)


Anyway, as always, will keep you posted!

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