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New here and need some advice...

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Hey everyone.. so much has been happening recently, what with me already stressing working, about to start college, a relationship and now suddenly herpes...in a panic about 2 days of getting the bumps and other symptoms, I went to a free std testing clinic (today) of course I have to wait about 10 days until its officially tested but the dr pretty much told me its herpes.


I already told my girlfriend since me and her talked about it just yesterday. But she told me she only had 1 little bump which she thought was from shaving or w.e possible explanations... I spared her the details of mine however since last thing I wanted to do was freak her out..

But I guess thats another topic altogether.


They gave me pills for about 10 days until my results come in, and im praying they do something... but once these run out what the hell am I supposed to do about it...? I dont really have a doctor or insurance or anything and I have no idea how much meds for this will be. And the last last last LAST thing I want is for my family to find out... I'm sure I can handle the situation myself but where should I even start?? If my family does find out im paranoid of how they would react and honestly I dont wanna deal with that stress...


Sorry if this is all a jumbled mess just really stressed and overthinking the whole thing....


Oh and im 19 if that makes any difference (doubt it)

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I just recently got diagnosed with genital HSV2 and its been very emotional. I don't have insurance or a doctor either so I went to Planned Parenthood for my exam and test. I was given a prescription for acyclovir for 10 days, taking a pill 3xs a day. I asked them to give me a prescription for other OBs in the future and only pay $17 for 30 pills. I got mine from my local grocery store that has a pharmacy but I believe they have it at Walgreens or Walmart too but may vary in price. Hope that helps!

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That actually helps alot.. since I went to the free std clinic today they gave me 1000 mg to stop the possible UTI pain then a similar pill you took (same exact thing but a slightlydiffered name)


But anyway did it actually help you so far the 3 pills a day thing? Im freaking out if its actually going to work or not...

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Hello and Welcome!


First - speaking as a 35 yr veteran, know that in the long term H is a blip on my timeline (well' maybe a few blips!) but it really doesn't affect my life. I'm 100% out and I have had no real backlash since I came out ... but then again, I only surround myself with people who are "Positive" people ;) ... So you will find out over time that H acts as your Wingman with people ... you find out who your TRUE friends and partners are ... and really, who wants jerks and assholes in their life? Noone can "make" you feel bad about H .... it's only if YOU buy into the crap that is out there and the stigma ... most of which is in YOUR head. Many people here report that once they told their friend/family, they were amazed at the support and understanding they got ;)


Check these links out for starters ... they may help you to get a better grip on the facts ... and then ask all you need to..


Oh - and Planned Parenthood is a great option (let them know if you are on a tight budget and they may give you a sliding scale for the visits) , and also Google RX Discount Card ... that can help with the cost of the anti-virals :)



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Thanks, Im sure it gets easier in the long run.. seeing as im going to be stuck with it... not to sound negative about it just right now, seems kind of an extra things to stress about... I convinced my girlfriend to get tested and at first she didn't take it so well. But she already talked with her family and is going to get tested....


Next step for me is deciding how or when to tell my family...



But @WCSDancer2010 Thanks so much fit the advice with the anti-virals I will definitely look into that.

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