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Nervous break down

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So I think I may have had a nervous break down at work today because of this....people may have seen me crying too

I really can't stand that the guy that did this to me lied and discarded me and now I am sickly everyday.

All I have told my bf is that I had a positive test but the culture is negative so it is likely on my lip or false positive. I am scared once it get it confirmed he will leave me and I will not be able to go on. The thought of losing someone I love because of something completely out of my control makes me want to throw up. I need to tell him that I very likely have it genitally but I have not had the strength to. I want to throw up when I think about it. I haven't even had the strength to confront the person who gave it to me. I'm just really depressed and could use some support. Can't believe this could happen from only one time with a condom and I could be in so much agony for months. Has anyone tried suing someone for giving them this? Looking back on it it is clear he knew he had it, and when I first told him I had a rash said what do you want from me? The only person I've told about it is my mom, who knows I was roofied and raped a year ago and thinks it's from then.

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So did you call the Westover Heights people (as we discussed elsewhere) ?


Are you getting therapy? I really, REALLY suggest you do if you haven't started already. You really need professional guidance right now that is nearby and face to face.


You really need to talk to the WH people - you need an answer from a Dr that KNOWS herpes ... not the jokers you have been dealing with.


As for the BF - give the guy some credit. It's probably very stressful watching you go through this and he hasn't left yet. Get your answer then we will help you deal with the details of what and how to tell him :)


Has anyone tried suing someone for giving them this? Looking back on it it is clear he knew he had it, and when I first told him I had a rash said what do you want from me?


Yes - in some states ... but generally unless you have rock solid proof of his knowledge that he had it (very hard to prove) it will be his word against yours. For most it's not worth the pain and often humiliation (remember, his lawyer will try to find ways to discount your claims and "prove" you got it elsewhere...that's his job and he'll do it no matter how it affects you to protect HIS client.)


At this point you need to work on getting a definite diagnosis .... and get therapy for the rape/roofie thing. You obviously have not processed that and I personally believe that THIS is a large part of the physical pain you are feeling. Please. Look into getting some kind of help.... if you can't affort therapy, odds are there's a Rape support group near you.... you may find a group through this link http://centers.rainn.org/



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Dancer thanks so much for all your help!!!! He literally did not even flinch when I told him or look freaked out at all and said he was just worried about me!! He said he had never been happier and would help me get through it! Seriously thanks so much, I don't think I could have done it without everyone's help in this forum :)

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