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Questions about Antivirals and Suppression treatment (I'm in a new relationship)


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I'm coming from a relationship where we both had it to a new relationship. I had "the talk" with them. We get along so really well and they are into doing the research and figuring out all the things we can do.


We of course want to have sex with each other and figure out how can we do that with the least amount of risk.


We were reading about daily antivirals/suppression treatment. I assume you do this and also use condoms.


My questions:

- Has anyone done this? Does it work out you? What did you do?

- I heard you can take Valtrex 500mg DAILY. Is this true?

- Assuming this all makes sense, how long do I need to be doing the daily before we have sex for the first time.

- Assuming we're monogamous for a long time do the condoms really add anything or is the daily valtrex doing the trick?


I also assume I need to ask my doctor to prescribe it to me? Do you get it 1 month at a time, or can you make 1 doctor visit every 3 months or something etc.


Thank you all for the info.



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Hello and Welcome


A lot of the info is in the handouts as far as the effect of the antivirals and condoms, but essentially anti-virals reduce your risk by 50% and condoms reduce the risk by another 50%...


I've used anti-virals in a 3 yr relationship and he never got it from me. We didn't use condoms but I've had H for a long time and know my body pretty well... if I had *any* feelings that might be H we found other ways to play :)


Condoms are very effective if the OB's are in an area covered by them ... but if your OB's are, say, in the boxer region/inner thighs it will not stop transmission...


Talk to your Dr about the dosage but 500mg for Valtrex sounds about right. There are other meds like Acyclovir that also work well. You can probably get a script for a year and then get it filled monthly or every 3 months ... if you don't have insurance look online for a RX discount card - they give you a really good discount.... you will want to be on them about 10 days to get enough in your system to work.



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I currently take Valtrex daily. Taking valtrex reduces your risk for breakouts, and in no way affects your partner. Continue to use condoms to reduce your risk for anything he might have, and vice versa. I do recommend valtrex, despite what a pain it is to take everyday, I take it and have had fewer breakouts because of it. Hope this helps :) good luck.

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