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Not Convinced I don't Have HSV-1

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about three years ago I received unprotected oral sex.

Two weeks later I suddenly felt a sharp pain in back of my right testicle. It grew worse in four days...I was diagnosed with epididymitis and I was given doxycycline, it cleared away, but sometimes returns about twice a year, and I've noticed that the area doesn't handle pressure as well as it used to. It will stay there until I relax the area.


Fast forward to last summer, I had sex (both oral and genital) with my fiancee (my other post), and she developed GHSV-1 two months later (and eventually left me because of it). I'm pretty confident she did not cheat on me, this was her first time having sex aside from a molestation in her childhood twenty years ago.


I did my own tests (herpeselect igg) and I was negative for everything. HSV-1 (0.15) and HSV-2 (0.23).


This is hard to believe because asking around, it turns out my mom, my sister and two of my roommates all have oral HSV-1. I share hookah pipes with my roommates sometimes too.


I am traumatized by the event, unsure how I can have sex again without this happening (this is my first full-on intercourse), and unsure if I have HSV-1 and if so, where.


How can I be sure? How accurate is Western Blot for HSV-1? I heard it's not that much either.


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Western Blot is the gold Standard of testing. The Herpeselect only tests for one protein ... WB tests for about 14.... you can call the Westover Heights clinic ... they charge $5/min for a consult and their advice is as good as you are going to get.


It's ENTIRELY possible she carried the virus aymptomatically for many years before it showed up. 80% of people don't know they have herpes because they don't have symptoms... :(


Dr. Lisa Taulbee at the Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... she can order the test for you through Quest Labs.

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I read someplace that Western Blot HSV-1 has only 93% accuracy over HerpesSelect's 91%

So is it worth it for the peace of mind?


Also, this was the FIRST time she has real sex, and the only time we had sex. She got stomach nausea a few days after. A stange flu-like illness a 45 days later, and then this outbreak about 75 days later...weird...

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Western Blot is considered the GOLD STANDARD of Herpes testing by all the Herpes specialists.... by testing for 14 proteins you have a lot more information for the diagnosis.


If you have any more questions about the usefulness of the test I would say contact Westover Heights and speak to the Dr there.


Many people already have HSV1 orally when they enter adulthood - 60% of young people have H1 orally by adulthood because kids pass it on and doting Aunties and other adults don't know it's contagious and kiss the kids during an OB. So you technically could have 2 virgins who have oral sex and one could get Genital HSV1 from it if the other had cold sores. :/


I have a client who had her first ever OB after 30 years of marriage.


Bottom line, Herpes doesn't play by rules but we have a lot of guidelines that we work with and do our best with that. I suggest you call WH if you have any more questions about the WB test.

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